Because we prefer it for a reasonBut we love recommending our preferred equipment!
Because we prefer it for a reasonBut we love recommending our preferred equipment!
I often refer to this forum as the ‘What’s most expensive.” forum.
I think it was thoughtful and introspective audiophiles being intellectually honest enough to examine their pre-existing assumptions and re-evaluate with an open mind their existing cables and tweaks.
Gosh I hate that word "fora". Granted forum is derived from Latin but so are thousands of what are now English words. Forum is no exception to the general rule that the plural simply adds an "s" at the end. Lots of exceptions such as sheep,, but never drop a character to make plural, even though the Romans may have done so 2000 years ago!
The Oxford English Dictionary does accept that either forums or fora can be used, but surely fora looks just wrong and too much like flora?
Grumpy Old Man
There is a 'value tone' in some fora with a skepticism for expensive items based on the belief that money does not equate with quality, or at least a small fraction of the cost will give you near best quality, if not equally best quality.
As I see it money spent is a choice. Caveat emptor applies and people should choose according to their beliefs (see above) and their budgets. As I see it "What's Best" is inherently subjective but for me there is usually a clear correlation with price and what is "best". This applies to houses or audio gear and most material things. The correlation and concordance is not 100% and yes, there is the law of diminishing returns.
What is "Mid-Fi" and what is "Hi-End"?I think the prevailing attitude here is there are a lot of other forums focused on Mid-Fi, and this shall not be one of them.
What those Mid-Fi forums usually lack in my opinion is an understanding of making the best of what they have via proper setup, room layout and room acoustics (all the same?).
I often feel I have little to contribute until someone asks about top Mid-Fi or lower spectrum to the Hi-End.
I also often feel I have little to contribute because my equipment is +25 years old, vintage some would call it.
Accept the forum for what it is, and it is NOT one size fits all.
a few learnings that I can pass on:
4) put acoustic treatments between and behind the speakers and on both sidewalls at a minimum, diffusers between and absorbers on the sidewalls
and maybe a bit, how much you wish to disappear down the rabbit hole of tweaking
I also agreeSorry to disagree. I find the use of "fora" elegant and erudite. If that makes me a snobbish elitist -- so be it! Proud of it.
IMO , herein lies much of the entire issue
Someone posted here a few days ago that most people use their gear to listen to the music whereas others use the music to listen to their gear"
The rabbit hole can become very deep
In my case, it was hard to get past the latter until my system was highly resolving with no fatigue. Once I achieved these, it was easy.
I also agree
Simply put the plural of forum is fora
I also agree
Simply put the plural of forum is fora
Or how a dear friend of mine likes to call it:
The Wallet Burst Forum
That had me lol-ing on the floora.On fora, audiophiles can be like fauna
or What Budget Ffs... must admit we all suffer a bit from that.Or how a dear friend of mine likes to call it:
The Wallet Burst Forum
Me too, but I also took English. Sorry I couldn't resist that one!I guess it's because I took Latin for 4 years in school