My next step - Pandora?


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2018
Given the introduction of the Commander preamp, do you think some people will be selling their Pandora preamps?

I can’t justify buying new Gryphon gear so I have to content myself with used gear.

Given my system with Gryphon Cantata speakers, Gryphon Colosseum speakers, Aqua Formula DAC, Michell turntable, and SST Ambrosia Second Edition preamp, do you think upgrading my preamp would provide the biggest increase in sound quality for me?
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Mine is for sale at Kyomi Audio in Chicago. I traded it in on a Commander. It has the Legato Phono Stage inside it. I highly recommend considering it. It was hard to let go of. I was hugely satisfied with it. I actually believe he has a second one without the phono stage. It's an amazing phono stage, I bought a new one to go with the Commander.
Mine is for sale at Kyomi Audio in Chicago. I traded it in on a Commander. It has the Legato Phono Stage inside it. I highly recommend considering it. It was hard to let go of. I was hugely satisfied with it. I actually believe he has a second one without the phono stage. It's an amazing phono stage, I bought a new one to go with the Commander.
Congrats! How is the Commander?
Could you describe the differences between the two?
Could you describe the differences between the two?
It is hard to describe the differences as I went from a Pandora + Antileon EVO to the Commander and Apex. What characteristic of the new sound to I apply to the Preamp and which to the Amp. The combinations worked well in both cases. When I was listening to the Pandora EVO I detected no shortcomings. But the Commander Apex combo is an entirely different experience. I still recognize the music, but the sound is elevated so much that there is no real need to consider how and why. I could have stayed where I was, but oh my goodness do I love where I am at now. Golly.
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Ok, Thx
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Thanks for the responses. Wow, I can only imagine how the Commander and Apex sound. What are you using for speakers? What are your front end components?

I have friends who say that sound quality does not matter to them but it matters to me. I’ll never reach the rarified air of the Commander/Apex but I was so happy with my Colosseum before my latest woes.

I especially loved vocals and felt them so deeply when played back with the Colosseum. I can only imagine the Pandora would improve my sound quality. Did you find the Pandora to have a very low noise floor? The Commander is said to improve on this dramatically.
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It's all in my signature....
It's all in my signature....

Nice setup.

We should talk internet stuff. I’m slightly younger than you. I started writing LISP on a DecWriter in the 80s. I’m a big fan of Alan Kay’s work at Xerox PARC and still miss Smalltalk after programming in it for over ten years. I’m still grinding out code. It’s the only thing that ever made me happy.
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I started an Internet Company in 1994 hence my ability to buy fancy audio gear. I am a bit of a fan of the Internet.
What would be the greatest improvement in terms of SQ between a new Commander preamp or new Mephisto mono amps in a system composed of Essence momo amps and a Pandora preamp?
if you have money for Mephisto solo, may as well go apex stereo.
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Wow, Mephisto monos or Apex for Sasha DAWs! I think i’s a bit over the top. I would consider going Commander or Alexia V first or improve the front-end.
Wow, Mephisto monos or Apex for Sasha DAWs! I think i’s a bit over the top. I would consider going Commander or Alexia V first or improve the front-end.
I have the Mephisto Stereo with Pandora, I've also wondered if the Commander would be a big jump in SQ over the Pandora...
Yes it will, only way to find out is try them. ;)
LOL!! Believe me the temptation is there! The hesitation is pulling the money out of my pocket!! LOL!!! I also know where this leads...Apex...
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