Can you tell us about the iconic Weiss Maya DAC?
A friend of mine, who at that time was located in Australia, wanted to do a “no compromise” D/A Converter and we took the challenge. Of course “no compromise” is not possible in real life, but we used like e.g. resistors which cost 10 dollars a piece but had the advantage that you can specify any resistance value you need. And we ran 16 channels of D/A in parallel for a single audio channel. This to gain some better signal to noise ratio. My friend designed the frame and that was a bit over the top in terms size and weight… In any case, we never made a commercial product out of it. Today I would take another approach to a “no compromise” DAC I guess.
Resolution and bits are getting higher and higher. It's become a race of sorts. How much is enough?
There are recordings on CD (i.e. 44.1kHz / 16 bit) which sound better than many high resolution recordings. I tend to think that CD quality is enough, provided the musicians / engineers / producers do an excellent job. There may be genres of music where a higher resolution may be beneficial, so to be on the safe side 96kHz at 16 Bit is enough. YMMV.
What does it take to keep the soul of the music intact?
If the music has a soul, because it has been composed and played so well then you can do almost anything to it, you won’t be able to destroy that soul even by playing it through a mediocre setup. Don’t expect that playing music via a 100’000 dollar setup would reveal the soul if it wasn’t there to begin with… That is why playback via cell phone speakers works, still. But I can’t stand it if e.g. the bass is lacking…