I have tried a whole lot of mogami cables. For single end connection, I like 2803 and 2497. 2549 is quite far behind in my experience. While not perfect, 2803 and 2497 are very acceptable (tried double run of 2803, which did not work out as well as a normal single run of 2803 so I rest my case). For balance connection, I have yet to find a promising solution from Mogami - tried 2534 and even a double run of 2803 connected as balanced, both of which did not work out as well as a basic Cardas (Crosslink?). I prefer Canare to Mogami for balanced application. For speaker connection (cones) I like 2804 the most. It bettered 3103 and some other models (model numbers escape from my memory). If you use electrostatic speakers, Mogami coax (again the model number escapes my memory) is the best speaker cable have tried, and I have tried a lot. As the Mogami is inexpensive compared to other “audiophile” cables, you can buy the whole range and see what works in your system. Over the years I have tried the whole range with many systems and the conclusion has been the same. Would be interested to hear others’ findings as well.