I have been trying to understand the subtle sonic differences between the Koetsu Coralstone and the Koetsu Blue Lace. The innards of those cartridges are the same; the only difference is the type of stone from which the body is made. The difference in pricing is due only to the relative rarities of the stone at the time of manufacture.
After discussing these two cartridges with members who have one or both of them; with three Koetsu dealers; and with a friend who has had five Coralstones, I have concluded there is a consensus that the Blue Lace is very slightly more extended in the frequency extremes than the Coralstone, and that that has the effect of making the Coralstone very slightly more midrange-focused. These differences between these two cartridges by all accounts are very subtle.
I have been trying to understand the sonic differences between the Air Tight PC-1 Supreme and the new Air Tight Opus. There the consensus seems to be that the cartridges are very similar, but that the Opus is slightly more transparent and slightly higher in resolution, without losing any of the midrange naturalness of the PC-1 Supreme. So I suspect the Opus beats the PC-1 Supreme.
I have been trying to understand the sonic differences between the Air Tight PC-1 Supreme and the My Sonic Lab cartridges. (There is a new MSL cartridge, called the Signature Platinum, which I have not yet heard and I have not found anyone who has heard it.) There seems to be a reasonable consensus that the Air Tights and the MSLs are very similar sounding (they should be as they are designed by the same man) but that the MSL, in general, may be a little bit more dynamic and a little bit more extended in the frequency extremes, and that the Air Tight is a little bit warmer or sweeter in the midrange.
While I value the higher output (.5mv) of the Opus over the lower output (.3mv) of the Coralstone to make life easier for the Io, I think the Io should be able to amplify the Coralstone without too much tube noise. While the Basis Audio Super Arm 9 is large and heavy, I do not know its specific effective mass. Assuming that insufficient effective mass of the tonearm is not an issue I think I have to try the midrange magic of the Koetsu Coralstone.
A friend who currently has both the Coralstone and the Opus says that he usually prefers the Opus which, he finds, is slightly more transparent and slightly higher in resolution, and slightly more extended in the frequency extremes than the Coralstone. He says that the slightly less extended high frequencies of the Coralstone make the Coralstone slightly more midrange-focused than the Opus. I liked the midrange-focused character of the Benz Micro Ruby 2. I am always concerned about perceiving extended high frequencies as brightness. I affirmatively liked that the Ruby 2 was a little rolled off in the highs.
I heard one of the stone body Koetsus at Absolute Sounds in London, and I loved it. I did, indeed, think the midrange was fantastic. I heard the Opus myself at T.H.E. Show Newport and I did not find it bright at all.
This is all splitting hairs, but I think am more comfortable dialing down slightly the high frequency extension and opting for a slightly more midrange-focused presentation. I think that suggests the Coralstone.
Having written all of that I still would like to hear both cartridges in the same system. I just might have to visit my friend who has both of these cartridges on his turntable!