When the debate becomes not about the content of something that was said, but rather the tone in which it was expressed, and once the capricious label of AI is applied, it can be used as a censorship tool.
Case in point: after being attacked by a forum member that turned out to be a competitor I had never heard of, I took umbrage and responded in kind. This exchange heated up, and a ridiculous claim was made that encompassing Teflon dielectric is superior to air because pure silver, when oxidized, becomes a poor conductor. This is a false argument on so many levels, and I dismantled it as such. Instead of my response being replied to, instead of the points I made being refuted (which they could not be), it was asserted that my response was written with AI.
The point of free speech is more speech. Points should be analyzed and debated, not attacked because it is presumed that they may have been made either with the help of or exclusively through AI. People who have a history of writing ad copy for many decades, or who are well-versed in communicating complex ideas, will always come across as “AI.”
Better to address the content of points made than to attack the style of delivery.
The above was verbally dictated to my iPhone, and then corrected for punctuation and grammar.