Could it possibly be a problem if long standing members of this forum (including some very prominent members) are willing to leave the WBF over allowing A.I. posts?
I see that as a problem. How you do not is beyond me. Just look at the poll results!
Dear Tom,
These issues are quite a bit more complicated than you seem to be appreciating.
1) Yes, of course I agree it's a problem if long-standing members of this forum, including some very prominent members, are willing to leave WBF over allowing AI posts.
2) "Allowing AI posts" is a can of worms from the get-go. There is no perfectly reliable way to determine what is and is not an "AI post."
How do
you propose to determine with
nearly perfect accuracy what is and is not an AI post"?
3) Whether or not AI posts are allowed on WBF is
not even the question posed by the poll. Are you aware of this?
4) If you cannot determine with perfect accuracy or nearly perfect accuracy what is and is not an AI post, how do you propose to keep AI posts off of WBF so that we do not offend and alienate long-standing members of the forum?
All over one member who got busted too.
5) Presently AI posts are not regulated on WBF. How can a member be "busted" for doing something that's not improper?
6) It's an open question whether or not free writing text and then running it through AI for grammar and spelling correction and polishing is something different than posting AI
How far are you going to let the forum slide
7) Let the forum slide? What are you talking about?
These AI issues are questions of first impression for many of us individually, and, certainly, for the forum collectively.
before you see the forest through the trees?
8) This seemingly is Steve's new favorite expression, so I suspect you two have been huddling.
Your circular arguments are....never mind. I have said my peace.
9) I am very skeptical that any of my arguments are circular. Please explain which of my arguments you believe are circular.
Thank you.