SOtM sNH-10G Network Switches x2 : The NEW KING of USB/Network Gadget Setup

Hi CKKeung and other SOTM Switch owners....

I have been streaming as my preferred audio/video experience above CD for a long time. I have a NAGRA CDP so its stiff competition.

Have been using Metrum Adagio DAC, NAGRA pre/power and Tidal Audio Speakers with Shunyata SIGMA (IC, Speaker cables, Power, USB and Ethernet). The Shunyata SIGMA Ethernet and USB cables are amazingly good.

I have an Etherregen which has about 100 hours on it and it is a very good unit - runs hot and has a nice analogue feel to it. It steps up Video (on HT as well) and Audio significantly. I use an SBOOSTER Ultra 2 on it with Shunyata PC. This was an immediate step up in performance. (Using an EMO 70e in the path as well).

Took delivery of a SOTM Switch with the SCLK Board, silver wiring and caps, paper upgrade. Put it between the ER and the router and it was a shock on the uplift in 3D and info retrieval. (SBooter powering). All will be replaced with the FARAD Power 3 on order. The soundstage expands amazingly - I haven't yet tried the SOTM by itself.

One thing I did notice and this is likely burn in - is that the bass doesn't go quite as low and there is a "silvery" harshness to the SQ. I am not a great fan of silver (I have had Argento Audio cabling and that is Silver done very well) but it tends to sound hi fi and misses that organic natural timbre which is more akin to analogue.

My question, given you and some of the posters here are sophisticated in your experiments and experience, is whether what I am describing is typical of burn in - or maybe the character of the Silver internal cabling. The Upgrade pack seems to include Silver as standard. Has anyone tried the SOTM with all upgrades but with OCC copper internal wiring?
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Hi CKKeung and other SOTM Switch owners....

I have been streaming as my preferred audio/video experience above CD for a long time. I have a NAGRA CDP so its stiff competition.

Have been using Metrum Adagio DAC, NAGRA pre/power and Tidal Audio Speakers with Shunyata SIGMA (IC, Speaker cables, Power, USB and Ethernet). The Shunyata SIGMA Ethernet and USB cables are amazingly good.

I have an Etherregen which has about 100 hours on it and it is a very good unit - runs hot and has a nice analogue feel to it. It steps up Video (on HT as well) and Audio significantly. I use an SBOOSTER Ultra 2 on it with Shunyata PC. This was an immediate step up in performance. (Using an EMO 70e in the path as well).

Took delivery of a SOTM Switch with the SCLK Board, silver wiring and caps, paper upgrade. Put it between the ER and the router and it was a shock on the uplift in 3D and info retrieval. (SBooter powering). All will be replaced with the FARAD Power 3 on order. The soundstage expands amazingly - I haven't yet tried the SOTM by itself.

One thing I did notice and this is likely burn in - is that the bass doesn't go quite as low and there is a "silvery" harshness to the SQ. I am not a great fan of silver (I have had Argento Audio cabling and that is Silver done very well) but it tends to sound hi fi and misses that organic natural timbre which is more akin to analogue.

My question, given you and some of the posters here are sophisticated in your experiments and experience, is whether what I am describing is typical of burn in - or maybe the character of the Silver internal cabling. The Upgrade pack seems to include Silver as standard. Has anyone tried the SOTM with all upgrades but with OCC copper internal wiring?
Hello Andresz,
A friend of mine had similarly experience. His system consists of FM Acouatics amps, CH Precision C1.1 with the new ethernet card and Apera speaker.
He liked his SOtM switch a lot except the silver signature but he didn't have choices bcos the local dealer imported only the full-optioned model. Eventually he sent it back to Korea to have the internal silver wires replaced by copper wires and he has been very happy since then.

I guess your Tidal loudspeakers with its diamond tweeters may not welcome silver components too much?

BTW what's the connection between your SOtM switch and the EtherRegen?
I mentioned on post #223 that an optical connection between them gave cool/digital sound. A musical ethernet cable is the choice, such as the Vertere HD ethernet cable.

Anyway please give the SOtM switch one or two more weeks of burn-in then decide your next move.
Thanks for your reply CKKeung. Yes the diamond tweeters are very revealing! I find even the finest OCC Silver still has that certain sound that you can pick up. A lot of the DC cable manufacturers are leaning towards OCC Copper as well. I am using Shunyata SIGMA Ethernet across all points,

I will give it some time - it is a keeper for sure. I have a feeling that the OCC Copper will make it sound more analogue but early days!. It is a great unit!
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Thanks for your reply CKKeung. Yes the diamond tweeters are very revealing! I fing even the fimest OCC Silver still has that certain sound that you can pick up. A lot of the DC cable manufacturers are leaning towards OCC Copper as well. I am using Shunyata SIGMA Ethernet across all points,

I will give it some time - it is a keeper for sure. I have a feeling that the OCC Copper will make it sound more analogue but early days!. It is a great unit!
One lesson I've learned over and over again, but still can't quite internalise is that lack of time to let a component 'bed in' always affects the sound negatively, markedly impacting my enjoyment of the whole system. And I always end up worrying that I've taken a misstep before the system 'blossoms' and reveals its former magic. The better my system gets, the more I notice this effect. It has also become very difficult to describe the effect.....the best description I have is.....the magic is missing. My system is highly, highly involving, but put in a new component, even something as banal as a DC cable to a switch and I find my thoughts wandering or I may even pick up the iPad and start doing something.....which never happens when the system is stable and unchanged. The sound is simply not as engaging or beautiful but I really couldn't describe exactly what's changed....its just that it loses its ability to draw you into the music to the total exclusion of other thoughts...on song, the system is mesmerising, but with a new component in the system that 'ability' disappears. So one thing IS can't accurately judge a system during any running-in period as you'll always reach an incorrect conclusion.
Very interesting thread. Question to those who have access to both 2 x SOtM *and* LAN isolators - is the contribution of the 2nd SOtM more about LAN isolation or is it a completely separate improvement that works alongside the benefits of LAN isolators? Trying to understand whether the benefit of the 2nd SOtM can be achieved without actually buying a 2nd SOtM! :) Those using 2 x SOtM, are you still using LAN isolators as well?

I currently have one SOtM switch, a JCAT Signature cable and am using Pink Faun LAN isolators. Each of these items bring significant improvements to sound quality but am always interested in lifting quality higher, so am considering the 2nd SOtM switch...
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Let's start the report.

The testing done last night was complicated, because of so many components in so many diff configs!
Here are the equipment used :

The new Cybershaft OP21A 10M clock. It has four 10M clock outputs.
View attachment 59613

Two EtherRegens and two SOtM switches (the top model with all upgrade options onboard) were used in single or dual configs..

ER1 in front of the OP21A :
View attachment 59614

ER2 on top level of the rack, behind the Cello Suite preamp :
View attachment 59615

SOtM1 on a lower rack level, with a tx-USBultra in front of it :
View attachment 59616

SOtM2 was placed on top of the Cello Suite :
View attachment 59617
I do not know yet what choice to make, I will receive an MSB SELECT II with a renderer I currently have a SOTM SQ 1000 plug in network directly on modem powered by an LPS 1.2. I don't know how to choose between an Etheregen or a SOTM switch. I already have the SOTM SCLK-OCX10 clock.
Your Cello audio suite will not use it ??? I had mine revised to an XLR upgrade for me it was still very useful with the REF DAC. You use it with the select ??
(Google translate)
I don’t understand the science of it (two switches)
I have a super awesome dealer who lets me try stuff before I buy.
I tried different permutation combinations including connecting the two switches through fibre. it sounded good. But
The one which sounded the best to my ears and in my system was two switches in serial , through copper with ISO CAT6 filter between them.
So interesting,
I ask because i am using the the 2 SOtM switches with fiber in between and am not hearing much improvement over straight copper. I am using multimode fiber though and Emile and others have suggested that the single mode fiber is better.
In your system, the fiber is arriving at the first SOtM switch. Where is the conversion to fiber occurring and what type of media converter are you using? Are you using a linear power supply to drive that converter? Do you have linear power supplies on the modem and router?
I also want to echo the comments of CKK above that having the files directly stored in the server gives me much better results than a separate NAS but maybe that is because my network is flawed?
Very interesting thread. Question to those who have access to both 2 x SOtM *and* LAN isolators - is the contribution of the 2nd SOtM more about LAN isolation or is it a completely separate improvement that works alongside the benefits of LAN isolators? Trying to understand whether the benefit of the 2nd SOtM can be achieved without actually buying a 2nd SOtM! :) Those using 2 x SOtM, are you still using LAN isolators as well?

I currently have one SOtM switch, a JCAT Signature cable and am using Pink Faun LAN isolators. Each of these items bring significant improvements to sound quality but am always interested in lifting quality higher, so am considering the 2nd SOtM switch...
Good question,
I am using two stacked SOTM switches, I have tried lan filters before and after the switches from gigafoil and EMO, the sound is thinner with the addition of the Isolators. In my system SOTM switches sound fuller and 3d without lan filters.
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Good question,
I am using two stacked SOTM switches, I have tried lan filters before and after the switches from gigafoil and EMO, the sound is thinner with the addition of the Isolators. In my system SOTM switches sound fuller and 3d without lan filters.
Interesting. I have not heard the GigaFoil causing any thinness in my system.
With respect, 2 switches plus isolators:oops: means a shed load of cables and connectors. Strikes me its the old 2 steps forward and one step back routine. If a network stream needs so much massaging I would tend to look for the point where the problems of jitter and noise are being introduced in the first place and get rid of that rather than trying to fix the problem after the fact with a large quantity of band aids
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The Pink Fauns go into the ethernet port, so no extra cabling required. However, I agree that with all these being *necessary* there is something fundamental going on here, which is why I wondered whether the 2nd SOtM is simply being used as an isolator, bringing the benefits that isolation brings. Or *if* two SOtM *are* needed, then SOtM itself might be the weak link and there might be a better switch solution out there...
With respect, 2 switches plus isolators:oops: means a shed load of cables and connectors. Strikes me its the old 2 steps forward and one step back routine. If a network stream needs so much massaging I would tend to look for the point where the problems of jitter and noise are being introduced in the first place and get rid of that rather than trying to fix the problem after the fact with a large quantity of band aids

Hi Blackmorec - it actually doesn't work that way. I have a tricked out SOTM and an Etherregen and there is no comparison with either one by itself versus the two daisy chained. None. Each sounds very good but when you link then, you get an amazing 3D render that makes you "feel" like you are at the venue. Add Shunyata SIGMA Ethernet throughout and it lifts again. The best way to describe it is that the "simple" loom, sounds clean, detailed and almost sterile. However, with the "layered loom" there is more texture, interest, bass, ambiance etc.... It really is so striking. Either switch by itself (despite that I need and extra PS, PC and DC) is left wanting when you compare.

Here is the clincher......for me. It actually isn't about getting the best measurements. That is not hard to do yet it doesn't do the "engagement" trick. I speculate that the switches etc... are doing slightly different things and nuances in the chain interplay and seem to build that elusive 3D you are there feel. More complex, more interesting. A high end dealer once said to me it is really easy to build a great system; just get the best measuring and neutral components and cables and hook them up. I have heard his systems.....clean, sterile, detailed and utterly boring and non engaging. Mega bucks worth of yawn.

I think that we "tune" our systems to the point where the ear/brain finds a balance of attack, decay, bass, ambiance, warmth, cool that sounds "right". It is like adjusting binoculars - when it is spot on it is ":magic".

So yes, you would think simpler is better - it may be in terms of certain measurements, but in practice it isn't.

Will leave it with an anaolgy........ when you listen to an orchestra with multiple violins for example, there are harmonic nuances in timing, timbre and no two violins are pitch perfect. This sounds like music. Listen to an electronic rendition that is "perfect" in terms of electronic sampling - so timing, pitch etc... is 100%. It sounds sterile and boring. I think somehow, a lot of different equipment, cable interplays somehow weave a sound that adds complexity to the way different signals reproduce. I have no idea how this could work but "layering" does something that in my system creates a "magic" 3D landscape.

To Drin's point. No it isn't acting just as an isolator. I have two EMO70e and they are very different to SOTM or ER. They are marginal - but good. Switches are like a DAC change.
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Hi Blackmorec - it actually doesn't work that way. I have a tricked out SOTM and an Etherregen and there is no comparison with either one by itself versus the two daisy chained. None. Each sounds very good but when you link then, you get an amazing 3D render that makes you "feel" like you are at the venue. Add Shunyata SIGMA Ethernet throughout and it lifts again. The best way to describe it is that the "simple" loom, sounds clean, detailed and almost sterile. However, with the "layered loom" there is more texture, interest, bass, ambiance etc.... It really is so striking. Either switch by itself (despite that I need and extra PS, PC and DC) is left wanting when you compare.

Here is the clincher......for me. It actually isn't about getting the best measurements. That is not hard to do yet it doesn't do the "engagement" trick. I speculate that the switches etc... are doing slightly different things and nuances in the chain interplay and seem to build that elusive 3D you are there feel. More complex, more interesting. A high end dealer once said to me it is really easy to build a great system; just get the best measuring and neutral components and cables and hook them up. I have heard his systems.....clean, sterile, detailed and utterly boring and non engaging. Mega bucks worth of yawn.

I think that we "tune" our systems to the point where the ear/brain finds a balance of attack, decay, bass, ambiance, warmth, cool that sounds "right". It is like adjusting binoculars - when it is spot on it is ":magic".

So yes, you would think simpler is better - it may be in terms of certain measurements, but in practice it isn't.

Will leave it with an anaolgy........ when you listen to an orchestra with multiple violins for example, there are harmonic nuances in timing, timbre and no two violins are pitch perfect. This sounds like music. Listen to an electronic rendition that is "perfect" in terms of electronic sampling - so timing, pitch etc... is 100%. It sounds sterile and boring. I think somehow, a lot of different equipment, cable interplays somehow weave a sound that adds complexity to the way different signals reproduce. I have no idea how this could work but "layering" does something that in my system creates a "magic" 3D landscape.

To Drin's point. No it isn't acting just as an isolator. I have two EMO70e and they are very different to SOTM or ER. They are marginal - but good. Switches are like a DAC change.
it seems that the more noise and jitter you remove from the data stream, the more the system is able to replay an accurate and detailed rendition of the signal. The more accurate and free of noise the rendition, the greater the 3 dimensional soundscape your brain is able to create. Its not that cables and components add complexity....its the opposite. In picking up RFI and jitter they lose detail and complexity and blurr the signal. The less that happens, the more detail and complexity remains. What your SotTM and EtherRegen are doing is removing noise and jitter....dirty signal in, clean signal out; clean signal in, cleaner signal out. It doesn’t matter how good your components are if you’re feeding them a contaminated data stream you will lose a lot of the detail and accuracy that your brain requires to construct the 3 dimensional, layered soundscape. The switches are simply decontaminating and reformatting the data stream . The question is; why does it take more than 1? What are 2 doing that 1 can’t? I’m guessing that the improvement you get from a switch is somehow a fixed ratio of noise in: noise other words, the more noise in, the more noise out.
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Please consider testing 2 X Sotm with Sclk Ex "WITH'" a Mutech Ref10 master clock!

The effect makes discussion of using 2 X Sotm's a moot point.
Please consider testing 2 X Sotm with Sclk Ex "WITH'" a Mutech Ref10 master clock!

The effect makes discussion of using 2 X Sotm's a moot point.

So would this be the shopping list?
2 x SoTM Switches
1 x Mutec Ref 10
3 x LPSs
3 x Power cables
2 x Clock cables
3 x DC cables
2 x Ethernet cables
6 x Rack shelves
Please consider testing 2 X Sotm with Sclk Ex "WITH'" a Mutech Ref10 master clock!

The effect makes discussion of using 2 X Sotm's a moot point.

Hi Just tubes - I am really interested in that. My SOTM has silver hook up wire which I am not 100% sold on; I like copper mostly. Are you using silver on either/both? I am thinking of getting an upgrade one but with Copper. Interesting how that may work.

Incidentaly, the Etherregen runs really hot. I measure around 43.5 degrees C on the cover and 44 degrees C on the DC input panel and around 38 C on the base of my metal Shunyata Ethernet cable. Leave the unit on for a day and take the cable out and you will have really hot fingers. I calculate that the specs of the cable/head are roughly double of the ER but hey its really hot. The SOTM runs like a dream. Very little heat.
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So would this be the shopping list?
2 x SoTM Switches
1 x Mutec Ref 10
3 x LPSs
3 x Power cables
2 x Clock cables
3 x DC cables
2 x Ethernet cables
6 x Rack shelves

My thoughts:

1. SOTM - think about whether you like the sound of silver or copper OCC. This can really swing things in a system. I use Shnuyata OCC wherever I can but I have had Argento Silver which is really good but something doesn't sound quite right. Personal thing. I havent heard the Copper OCC SOTM - not sure how that will pan out but it is really worth thinking about.

2. Sbooster Ultra (not the previous model) is a really good PS. Make sure you ground the DC plug with somthing like IFI Groundhog. It is just a claw cable that connects to earth ground. I have ordered two FARAD LPS with Copper OCC DC cables. Short is good but I try not to get too close to tthe PS.

3. I use Shunyata Alpha for PC.

4. Clock cables - I have a Shunyhata SIGMA 75 ohm for my DAC which I will use for the clock.

5. DC Cables. A few to look at. FARAD, Ghent, Audio Sensibility and Zenwave. Mixed thoughts on length from those who swear by .3/.5 and others who are happy with 1m.

6. Ethernet Cables. Easy one. Budget permitting the Shunyata Sigma is extraordinary. Big gap between the Sigma and Alpha. Venom is really good too. I had all three with multiple cables on demo for a month. Even the Venom beat my previous reference. It is well priced.

7. Isolation really important. I like Grand Prix Audio Apex feet (small ones) under components. If you use a medium level shelving system - say a quadraspire type, then adding some footers makes a big difference - notice mainly in "air". I also use Stillpoints ultra - cleanest but a bit like silver cable; a bit of a skew. I use silicon nitride ball bearings as the interface. Recommended by GPA, Voodoo and a few others. It is the "copper" signature.

8. For USB, an Isoregen is pretty good. I still have it in the rig and it interfaces with a Shunyata SIGMA USB.

9. Clock wise. Mutech or Cybershaft. I am leaning towards the Cyber given CKKeung's comments.
My thoughts:

1. SOTM - think about whether you like the sound of silver or copper OCC. This can really swing things in a system. I use Shnuyata OCC wherever I can but I have had Argento Silver which is really good but something doesn't sound quite right. Personal thing. I havent heard the Copper OCC SOTM - not sure how that will pan out but it is really worth thinking about.

2. Sbooster Ultra (not the previous model) is a really good PS. Make sure you ground the DC plug with somthing like IFI Groundhog. It is just a claw cable that connects to earth ground. I have ordered two FARAD LPS with Copper OCC DC cables. Short is good but I try not to get too close to tthe PS.

3. I use Shunyata Alpha for PC.

4. Clock cables - I have a Shunyhata SIGMA 75 ohm for my DAC which I will use for the clock.

5. DC Cables. A few to look at. FARAD, Ghent, Audio Sensibility and Zenwave. Mixed thoughts on length from those who swear by .3/.5 and others who are happy with 1m.

6. Ethernet Cables. Easy one. Budget permitting the Shunyata Sigma is extraordinary. Big gap between the Sigma and Alpha. Venom is really good too. I had all three with multiple cables on demo for a month. Even the Venom beat my previous reference. It is well priced.

7. Isolation really important. I like Grand Prix Audio Apex feet (small ones) under components. If you use a medium level shelving system - say a quadraspire type, then adding some footers makes a big difference - notice mainly in "air". I also use Stillpoints ultra - cleanest but a bit like silver cable; a bit of a skew. I use silicon nitride ball bearings as the interface. Recommended by GPA, Voodoo and a few others. It is the "copper" signature.

8. For USB, an Isoregen is pretty good. I still have it in the rig and it interfaces with a Shunyata SIGMA USB.

9. Clock wise. Mutech or Cybershaft. I am leaning towards the Cyber given CKKeung's comments.

Hi Andresz,

The Neotech silver wires upgrade do have a clearer, detailed sound over copper. IMO objectively better, but subjectively some may prefer Neotech copper - this really depends on your setems currect sonics. Also take into consideration the PSU.

If you understand the characteristics of the different brands/types of supply, it is not worthwhile sending the unit back to change it to copper.

I find that the bypass cap plays a more significant role, I do not use the sotm upgrade, but use a Duelund Cast copper foil cap and also Vcap-Cutf, a 0.01uf or 0.1uf is plenty and get is installed in your power supply output.

The shunyata Sigma is a very nice clock cable, based on your impression of it when you introduced it it. If you can test a External clock which by itself adds so much naturalness and rightness to the music, using a Sigma to connect the clock to the Sotm, you may well not hear any silver sound but just naturalness and more details.

You can also test by removing of changing out the stillpoints or since you have silicon nitride balls (white ones) try removing the stillpoints top adjustable hat and place a ball there to interface with the Sotm or power supply directly (assuming the ball is large enough that it does not fall into the screw hole.

You have nice cable, Shunyata Alpha, Sigmas are IMO not bright cables and nicely musical.

Also swap the position of ER and Sotm. Try Sotm after the ER. If this tames some brightness then you need to use this configuration.

The power supply regulator chips in the ER, LT3045 have a detailed but slightly bright sound which could be adding extras which may not prefer.

Also remember to use the Sotm with the leds off.

Please experiment.
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it seems that the more noise and jitter you remove from the data stream, the more the system is able to replay an accurate and detailed rendition of the signal. The more accurate and free of noise the rendition, the greater the 3 dimensional soundscape your brain is able to create. Its not that cables and components add complexity....its the opposite. In picking up RFI and jitter they lose detail and complexity and blurr the signal. The less that happens, the more detail and complexity remains. What your SotTM and EtherRegen are doing is removing noise and jitter....dirty signal in, clean signal out; clean signal in, cleaner signal out. It doesn’t matter how good your components are if you’re feeding them a contaminated data stream you will lose a lot of the detail and accuracy that your brain requires to construct the 3 dimensional, layered soundscape. The switches are simply decontaminating and reformatting the data stream . The question is; why does it take more than 1? What are 2 doing that 1 can’t? I’m guessing that the improvement you get from a switch is somehow a fixed ratio of noise in: noise other words, the more noise in, the more noise out.

Totally agree with your view.

The front end jitter contamination either streaming from any network IS the source and not the streamer / dac !

No one can answer why adding more better clock equipment improves the sound.

Theory is that the scrubbing twice / thrice... improves the sound. When the jitter is lower the Phy chip works less / data corruption becomes less and the whole switch is running less hard and possibly producing less noise within.

This cleaner or less jitter information passes through the next switch which works even less hard - again less noise and this is what is going on to the next equipment until the dac which now has even lower jitter signals, again working less hard to decode the signals leading to a purer sonic impression.

Yes, networking can be very complicated.

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