A friend with way more smarts about this stuff than I has been following the development of TAS as an alternative to Roon with great interest. Though not an Extreme owner, he is very much a music and audio enthusiast, and he works at the project management level in application development. I was going to attempt to paraphrase the back-channel comments he made, but with his permission, here is a pretty much direct quotation:
"Roon has an API that allows developers to do things like this:
If their API can retrieve the contents of a playlist with sufficient granularity, they [playlists] might be able to be imported into another application, like TAS.
A playlist is simply an index with references to files. How Roon references the location of files and whether the API provides that reference in a usable way would be the key here."
My own comments -- you guys are way ahead of me in the development of TAS. I understand (mostly) what an API is, but definitely don't have a nuts and bolts level understanding of how to incorporate an API or parts of an API into a functioning application -- that's all black box stuff to me. I am definitely not a programmer or developer. But the question I do have is if Roon actually furnishes an API or APIs that are at all useful and/or if you all have looked at them for things that could be incorporated into TAS without degrading sound quality?
Steve Z