Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

This is the thing, there is no single "Best" USB cable. The success of a USB connection hinges on the implementation of the interface on either end as well as on what's required or desired for a given situation. Like with all accessories and components, system synergy is key, and user preference also plays a part. The best advice that I can give is to try a couple of cables and trust your ears.

The shortlist probably looks something like this, in no particular order:
  • Intona Ultimate
  • Shunyata Research Omega
  • FTA Sinope
  • Jorma USB Reference
  • Sablon Evo
The list is certainly not complete but it should be a good starting point.
Thanks Christian, my dad is a APL SR MK2, in your website you are saying that can feet with sinope, for the moment I cannot enjoy XMDS yet, difficult to choose before !!!!!
Interesting! I always assumed that wireless streaming would be significantly inferior to a wired connection.

That would indeed go for most high-end systems, similar to trying to avoid having to use switching powersupplies, or minimize processing overhead. But with a total of 28 icepower amplifiers in your loudspeakers and with the massive amount of DSP processing performed I would not worry about those things. I would not even bother to spend money on a linear powered server to start with as those benefits are largely, if not completely wasted. In fact those could very well perform worse in stead of better. Antipodes would be my first pick having put in serious effort in designing an audiophile grade switching powersupply for example and being optimized/voiced around that. Bluetooth streaming gives you the least additional processing overhead, perhaps interfering just a little bit less with all the DSP processing.. Add to this the improvement of the latest gen iPhone, surely worth a consideration for your source.
That would indeed go for most high-end systems, similar to trying to avoid having to use switching powersupplies, or minimize processing overhead. But with a total of 28 icepower amplifiers in your loudspeakers and with the massive amount of DSP processing performed I would not worry about those things. I would not even bother to spend money on a linear powered server to start with as those benefits are largely, if not completely wasted. In fact those could very well perform worse in stead of better. Antipodes would be my first pick having put in serious effort in designing an audiophile grade switching powersupply for example and being optimized/voiced around that. Bluetooth streaming gives you the least additional processing overhead, perhaps interfering just a little bit less with all the DSP processing.. Add to this the improvement of the latest gen iPhone, surely worth a consideration for your source.

Hi Emile,
Yes, bluetooth streaming nowadays is not chopped liver anymore.
A small group of friends and I are playing BT streaming by iPhones/iPads/Androids as our secondary CAS.
Not only is it excellent for casual listening & exploration of new albums/artists, a good BT streamer paired with a good mob devices can KO many traditional streamers in the market.

Here is my BT streamer made by a local garage brand.
Hi Emile,
Yes, bluetooth streaming nowadays is not chopped liver anymore.
A small group of friends and I are playing BT streaming by iPhones/iPads/Androids as our secondary CAS.
Not only is it excellent for casual listening & exploration of new albums/artists, a good BT streamer paired with a good mob devices can KO many traditional streamers in the market.

Here is my BT streamer made by a local garage brand.
View attachment 105004

It sure is interesting, the blue-tooth controller we designed for remote control of the upcoming BPS was the only option which had zero detectable influence on sound, contrary to Wi-Fi or cabled Ethernet...
It sure is interesting, the blue-tooth controller we designed for remote control of the upcoming BPS was the only option which had zero detectable influence on sound, contrary to Wi-Fi or cabled Ethernet...

I can't wait for that.
I can detect all of the WiFi noise in my system.
That's why I went to Ethernet DAC connection with access point and removing 5 GHz band.
Much better , but not removed completely.
Hope to try the bluetooth with new BPS.
Also question To Emile and his Team
Just realized the February is almost over
Is the switch / net card shipping Starting Monday or sometime next week?
Also question To Emile and his Team
Just realized the February is almost over
Is the switch / net card shipping Starting Monday or sometime next week?

Yes, everything arrived yesterday/today, assembly starts tomorrow!
That would indeed go for most high-end systems, similar to trying to avoid having to use switching powersupplies, or minimize processing overhead. But with a total of 28 icepower amplifiers in your loudspeakers and with the massive amount of DSP processing performed I would not worry about those things. I would not even bother to spend money on a linear powered server to start with as those benefits are largely, if not completely wasted. In fact those could very well perform worse in stead of better. Antipodes would be my first pick having put in serious effort in designing an audiophile grade switching powersupply for example and being optimized/voiced around that. Bluetooth streaming gives you the least additional processing overhead, perhaps interfering just a little bit less with all the DSP processing.. Add to this the improvement of the latest gen iPhone, surely worth a consideration for your source.
The three high-end servers I tested – yours, the Pink Faun Ultra and the Lucas Domansky LDMS, which is the one I bought – certainly did deliver an audible improvement. However, the testing mainly used local files (hi-res downloads and CD rips) rather than streaming services, as that is 99% of what I listen to via a server. (My remaining listening is using vinyl, cassettes and – perhaps less predictably – occasionally quadraphonic eight-track cartridges.)
The three high-end servers I tested – yours, the Pink Faun Ultra and the Lucas Domansky LDMS, which is the one I bought – certainly did deliver an audible improvement. However, the testing mainly used local files (hi-res downloads and CD rips) rather than streaming services, as that is 99% of what I listen to via a server. (My remaining listening is using vinyl, cassettes and – perhaps less predictably – occasionally quadraphonic eight-track cartridges.)

Yes they do, however I would consider none of those three to be the “best pick” with your beolabs, just the Y filter caps would already negate a significant part of their potential.
Yes they do, however I would consider none of those three to be the “best pick” with your beolabs, just the Y filter caps would already negate a significant part of their potential.
Interesting! Antipodes was one of the three high-end models I didn't try, as I couldn't lay my hands on an example (the other two being the Pachanko Constellation Masterpiece and the Wadax Atlantis Reference Server). I know that somebody in Germany is using your SGM Extreme with a pair of BeoLab 50s (the 90s' smaller brother, which I have as rear speakers for quadraphonic and surround sound music).
Thanks Christian, my dad is a APL SR MK2, in your website you are saying that can feet with sinope, for the moment I cannot enjoy XMDS yet, difficult to choose before !!!!!
FWIW, I think that APL DACs will indeed work very well with the FTA Sinope USB cable.
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Reactions: Taiko Audio
I believe you have this 4 scripts for the USB setup To run as an administrator for different DACs.
That should be very simmilar I belive .
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