Reading all 700+ pages, including all the detours, can be quite a task. But if you are seriously considering purchasing an Extreme or some other server in this price range it is an investment in time that will be well rewarded -- and not just in terms of doing your "due diligence" before such a sizeable purchase.
If you search using the search engine in the upper right-hand corner of the page and use the terms, "This thread" and "Taiko-Audio" you will get a lengthy list of the posts Emile Bok, owner and chief designer, has made to this thread.
If you do the same (search in this thread) for posts by Nenon, Austinpop and Romaz you will also get perspectives from folks who have pursued their own SOTA computer based servers and in the case of two of them, ended up purchasing an Extreme rather than continue chasing their own builds (Austinpop and Romaz).
Good luck to you,
Steve Z
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