I once asked Dave Wilson how could the Alexandria X2 Series 2 sound like the Vienna Philharmonic in the Musicverein, as he talked about in a video, when he has no idea what room they would be in. He loved the question and took 30 minutes to answer, essentially, how the speakers make the room they are in disappear and create the illusion of the Musicverein. Great speakers don't need a bigger room.
I could well believe he enjoyed that question.
From what I read somewhere about DW, his main focus from the very beginning was designing a speaker which was
adjustable to the room so that he could create/recreate the presentation he believed to be the most faithful to the original.
He was acknowledging exactly what you observe...that each room (and system) ARE different...so he decided that
adjustability was going to be a mainstay feature of his designs so that the speaker could be adjusted for listening distance, ceiling height, location to corners, arguably even materials in the room (ie, bass front or rear firing presumably is both distance but also what is it firing against?...not sure)...as well as your own listening distance, height (cone movement adjustments, resistor changes to increase/decrease db of certain frequencies).
And now with the latest flagship Wilsons, that even includes the electronic equipment it is being paired with for latency or whatever other microdetails they are aware of within the electronics.
I think the quotation was something to the effect of 'reliable repeatability'...as in you could repeat the speaker's ability to be set up for a targeted level of performance in any given room reliably and consistently. In my own experience, in the right hands, DW's designs do that well.