That’s the right approach definitely!Improving my system is SO NOT my primary focus. Listening to music is.
Although we all are aware that folks with setups like yours, had and probably will have „improvement phases“ and switching of gear and accessories more regularly than we all use to admit. And I guess we all declared the end of the improvement focus multiple times in the past already ;-)
I don’t doubt your described experiences at all. In a mixed environment, this and that sounds more or less better here and there and such setups reached a level one can more than live with for a very long time.
What’s important to point out from my experience is, that the great effects of the Schnerzinger Giga Cancelling devices in various setups set aside - the Atomic Bonding cabling, wall wart, fuse, distributor topic needs a special awareness to keep in mind.
From my experience I’m convinced their conductivity and the measure to block the exchange of noise between components (resulting in speed of impulse processing and resolution) and their bass control and correct timing is way above everything else on the market. That’s what one hears by a smaller or bigger improvement when putting one or two parts of those products into the chain. Other parts in such a mixed (products) chain may still have their indispensable effect.
When one sets the Schnerzinger level of conductivity and noise exchange protection throughout the whole cabling signal path, things change dramatically in terms of resolution, air, realism and further characteristics named. If after that, one places any cabling or conditioner or anything not on that level inbetween, the sound quality reduction gets extremely obvious if not insane. What I want to say is, as good as single Schnerzinger measures are, you only know the full Schnerzinger potential and the limitations of other brands products used in a chain, after you once dared to listen to a complete Atomic Bonding connection level in your setup and from there try to go back to single previous products used. It's like the question of whether to improve the flow of a section of the water pipe in the house or the entire pipe network. Power distributors, conditioners etc. are included in this example. But as always one should better just listen to this if one’s ready for a change, otherwise it’s hard to go back.
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