Honestly Dave do you think it was
conscious ? All over the world with different governments this virus has
surprised. The tough decision to close down and hurt your own economy, against maybe having
widespread infection. It not easy.
Part of the problem is the delay factor of this decease, when you
start seeing high numbers, it is almost to late. I think it is case of wishful thinking, more than deliberation.
I understand your POV but IMO it's a massive lack of judgement to not prepare with PPE and testing. Better to have it and not need it than be faced with what we have to deal with now.
Just this week local health facilities couldn't tell people if they had covid for 5 to 7 days and only those with suspected cases are able to be tested at all. This is unforgivable and negligent to the degree I think it's criminal, the results of this decision are horrendous.