Visit to Marc C.'s (SpiritOfMusic's) House in England

Well... If you think it's the top thing you can get irrespective of price that's fine. I am well aware that many of us bought different things at different times as compromise due to various constraints. If you bought your final components when you bought your Zus, that's great. Continue optimizing them.
Ked, there are times when components just "talk" to you. You realise there's a higher level of communication, and suddenly the sound of unattainable components is within reach.

Until I heard the Trans Fi tt and arm, the closest I got to perfect was the GP Monaco at Keith's. This tt gets me 95% of the way there, for what, 20% of the cost.

The Eera cdp hits all my sweet spots, for what, 1/3 cost of Barry's SGM/Aqua Formula.

The Nats are v close to the prize that Koda or Ypsilon provide, again at a fraction of the cost.

Yes, Zu is the most contentious, easy to criticise choice. It's not getting me AG Trios, or Apogees, or Magicos etc presentation, at cut price entry.

But it's getting a critical thing right that I hear in live music, that I don't hear in anything under £50k, and often not even in SOTA spkrs costing even more.

Ked, I know you are scratching your head wondering how anyone can lose their sanity as much as I have LOL.

But the tone density/dynamic shove thing that sold Zu to me in the first 5 mins of demo in 2008, STILL pushes my buttons, except now I've unlocked their fuller potential.

And I can't name a spkr that significantly excels except for stupid money, or in a package that won't fit in here.

Apogees could, but I'm not going to unlearn two decades of SS to tubes, and bass management nightmares, to start again.

Similarly, AG Duos, we go back to trying to get bass to work, and I'm not going to start school again.

And both don't fulfil the lower mids/upper bass continuousness thing I love in my Zus.

On these forums, only Caesar really gets why I love Zu, he's heard what I've heard, and is touched in the same way.
I think I must apologise to Marc for denigrating his system in an open forum and feel I have caused offence by honestly exploring some of the issues Marc raised in previous posts.

It was not my intention to ‘make a fool’ of him or start a war of who’s system is better but to open up the discussion to help Marc progress with his system building without ploughing further funds needlessly and in areas that did not require further expenditure.

Please accept my apologies Marc for any offence you may feel and to WBF members that may feel I was out of order.

Hey Barry, Puh-lease! You've got nothing to apologise for.
Maybe when you post a 15mins YT video on Psychic Healing pointed at me (true story) in no uncertain terms...then we'll talk.

Listen, you were critical about my sound when you first visited me, telling me in no uncertain times where it fell down, where it needed improving. You've also given it more of a thumbs up over time, incl when you visited last year. I do feel it's gone a stage or two further since then.

Now whether this evolution at the cost of totally new spkrs is an effective use of cash, well that's a question.
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Barry, friends of course. I always ask for frank opinions, so I'm happy to take those. Ked, same here.

There is always the danger that tweaking out further can lead to more and more interconnecting Möbius Loops, I'm fully aware of that. And I do ask myself many times if I'm not guilty of adding sticking plasters to cover up issues.

What doesn't help here is the very nature of social media, by definition I have to slightly exaggerate or highlight positives and negatives to enhance a point.

By no means am I in thrall to any more major changes. This includes acoustic panels, AVAA units etc, new components. My room is good out of the box, indeed many things about it that could have been a negative seem to have worked out, ie size, descending eaves, break up steels/crossmembers, vast 150 years old suspended timber floor.

Expense spent on acoustically treating the eaves and floor during construction have worked out just fine. Any thoughts on Acustica Applicata, GIK, AVAA etc are just that, thoughts. And likely to stay that way.

I see that both Steve Williams and Tang have taken their subs out, surely that's the equivalent to what I'm doing by taking my subs output into more subtle territory. My Zus in effect spec full range down to 40Hz before the subs kick in, surely if I get my subs to kick in at 35Hz, and only to augment kick drum, bass drone and deep organ tones, Im actually doing the right thing, surely.

Now I'm fully open to criticism that this may mean I've lost deep bass capability, I'm sure Barry you'll let me know when we play a few bass torture tracks. I don't think I have, and indeed feel that my upper bass and mids have never been more textured, dense and expressive. I'm happy to compromise a bit on deepest bass (if indeed I have) to achieve greater organicness and continuousness from 30-35Hz and up.

Re analysis on the supertweeters and Lead footers, maybe you're right. The jury is out on them, but initial findings are positive.

Now, as to whether Zu is a good choice full stop, and whether the £60k I've spent on cables, supports, balanced power, grounding, plus some misfires on components spends, could have gone on "better" speakers, yes one can make a strong argument on that.

I'm sure Ked would have patted me on the back had I bought AG Duos Mezzos, and you would have done the same had I bought Maggies or Magicos LOL.

I'm gonna stop here, otherwise I'll sound too defensive and protective of my thought process. I actually do feel I've achieved a commendable result in the high end, but if it's only to my taste, so be it. However I'm open minded enough, and sufficiently chilled, to see that there are different routes to have gone down, esp re spkrs and the budget I could have had.

And for all those who hate the Zu sound ie Ked, or just don't quite get them ie Barry, my journey will just make no sense.
Great post Marc,
Truth be told we are all on our own individual benders, and being unabashed does not do a disservice to ourselves if we accept moments of true self moderation. Enthusiasm sometimes creates its own shadow but truth be known enthusiasm burns at the core of every great pursuit. So sometimes it runs over the brim but we all do that. Better to love what you have than feel nothing. Logic of itself is poor consolation. May your crazy valves burn brightly, mine always do :) enjoy what you have, there is nothing to qualify.
Hey Tao, it's the nature of social media to either sound uber enthusiastic or down in the dumps, super confident or unsure of anything.

Or of course to be a master of all that one surveys, w advice easy to give, and even easier to see that it's right.

I'm probably guilty of being a little too polarizing in my comments, which maybe gives observers like Ked a skewed perspective on my sanity at any point in time.

Conversely I'm the first to admit when I realise it where I might be going up a blind alley, or where I hear a really holistic impressive sound.

And along w the live unamplified reference, do try to let these impact in my decisions.

Thanks for yr words of support.
Ked, there are times when components just "talk" to you. You realise there's a higher level of communication, and suddenly the sound of unattainable components is within reach.

Until I heard the Trans Fi tt and arm, the closest I got to perfect was the GP Monaco at Keith's. This tt gets me 95% of the way there, for what, 20% of the cost.

The Eera cdp hits all my sweet spots, for what, 1/3 cost of Barry's SGM/Aqua Formula.

The Nats are v close to the prize that Koda or Ypsilon provide, again at a fraction of the cost.

Yes, Zu is the most contentious, easy to criticise choice. It's not getting me AG Trios, or Apogees, or Magicos etc presentation, at cut price entry.

But it's getting a critical thing right that I hear in live music, that I don't hear in anything under £50k, and often not even in SOTA spkrs costing even more.

Ked, I know you are scratching your head wondering how anyone can lose their sanity as much as I have LOL.

But the tone density/dynamic shove thing that sold Zu to me in the first 5 mins of demo in 2008, STILL pushes my buttons, except now I've unlocked their fuller potential.

And I can't name a spkr that significantly excels except for stupid money, or in a package that won't fit in here.

Apogees could, but I'm not going to unlearn two decades of SS to tubes, and bass management nightmares, to start again.

Similarly, AG Duos, we go back to trying to get bass to work, and I'm not going to start school again.

And both don't fulfil the lower mids/upper bass continuousness thing I love in my Zus.

On these forums, only Caesar really gets why I love Zu, he's heard what I've heard, and is touched in the same way.

Having heard the Zus in other contexts and the NATs I would say keep the NATs and ditch the Zus. Look, I get why you like them, I even have a pair of Single driver speakers that I use in a third system. It is small doses. I think the problem is that they are simply too rough sounding (as in making too much of their own sound and a quite ragged frequency response to boot) for most people to appreciate long term. I understand that they are sensitive and dynamic and alive but also rather flawed. Some people get around it and others it drives up a wall. I had one guy over who LOVED my single drive speakers because they are so lively and energetic and another who hated them because they were so forward in his opinion. Both, however, swooned over my big Odeons + Aries Cerat Genus and the realism there is not matched by my other two systems.

I would keep your NAT setup as it is actually quite hard to beat without spending some serious coin. I can say honestly that it is one of the better values in all of high end audio and for the used prices it is simply amazing. I don't agree with Blue58 about the transparency either...NAT stuff is very transparent and relatively uncolored. Dynamically, it also plays at the upper echelon. I get why you like the NAT stuff. I have only found 4 reasonably affordable SET brands that really deliver: KR Audio, Aries Cerat, NAT and Ayon (52B/62B SET only...not their PP tetrode/triode amps). Three of those derive from Eastern Europe (Ayon was Vaic before, which split with KR in the 90s).

You should not really be able to hear much at 7khz with regard to roughness...that will take place lower down and I bet if you look at measurements that is breakup of the driver that is bothering you. What about the Zu tweeter? Is it not doing its job...which is basically a supertweeter already?

If you have already spent £60K on tweaks, cables etc. then you have been trying to put lipstick on the Zu pig. Sure all that can elevate even a poor speaker to heights it never dreamed it could achieve...a truly clean signal does wonders and I have heard many a system that I thought was rather poor take huge jumps up in quality to perfectly acceptable sounding...BUT with a really good speaker the limits are quite a lot higher. I would take a so-so speaker with great electronics anyday and twice on Sunday over the reverse. You can "hear around" a lot of the defects of a speaker and even get used to it but you cannot "hear around" electronic noise and simply ruins any pretence to an illusion.

This is why I invited you to visit...there are speakers out there that will give you the tone density you like with that dynamic shove WITHOUT most of the stuff that isn't roughness and lack of transparency. We have a speaker here from Dynamikks! that fits that bill nicely (95db with serious bass and a meaty but smooth and transparent sound). An Odeon 32 or 38 will do this too in most rooms (I have a customer with a really powerful sound with 32s and AC amps/preamp). The Horning Eufrodite Ellipse is another one to consider that couples the immediacy of the single driver, while having tamed it's worst tendencies and plenty of sonic shove with the TQWT bass loading...however, it does like to be close to a wall or corner to get the most out of that loading. There is a nice pair in the UK for about £7K. This speaker consistently gets raves at US audio shows (High Water Sound guy) coupled with various SETs...and getting good sound at shows isn't easy.

I am not sure why you are so afraid of an active bass AG when that is exactly what you have in your Zus, is it not (you have the ones with the active bass, right?) You are still learning with it, so it seems. The Duo Mezzo also has a hint of horn bass loading (not sure if that front horn really gets low enough to call it bass...more like upper bass lower mids) that will smooth the transition to the true horns. Not saying that it must be AG Duo Mezzos but they might be a good move.

I am not familiar enough with your sources to comment but I will assume they are competent enough.

I think we like a similar sound (plenty of tone and body) but I also come from the planar world (Infinity, Apogee, Acoustat, DIY etc.) and demand the transparency, coherence and smoothness these bring. This disqualifies a lot of horn systems for me and a lot of single driver speakers as well due to their lack of being really full range and their forward, rough presentation.

Anyway, enough trying to persuade, I think you nailed it with NAT but with Zu I think you are being a bit stubborn to defend your choice.

You know, I tried integrating a sub (a good servo one) with my Odeon horns...just didn't blend all the time and now with the AC Genus I don't need it as I get plenty of bass...not down to 20hz but probably 30hz and unless it is perfectly in synch with the rest it is not helping things.
Marc...I am not denying Zu can be the best for some. Let's keep my preferences out of this. My problem is, you chose Zus many years ago when you had a different budget, different room constraint and even different music tastes. Also, from your posts, then almost negligible exposure to live classical. So how can someone change his room, budget, accessories, gain even more exposure to different types of speakers like horns and planars, gain exposure to live concerts, have a change in the music he is listening too, and still retain the same gear taste, is difficult to see. If for example I change to electronic music, stats will be the first thing to drop off my consideration set. How have you retained the same tastes in analog and speaker gear after so many changes
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Marc i feel you could achieve your goals with Focal Utopia.
They exhibit the tonal density you enjoy, combined with exceptional dynamics and heft, and exquisite delicacy when driven with a Boulder power amp. You could maintain your valve pre amp.

I'm awaiting a loaner 2160 while my 2060 receives attention.
When either return you would be most welcome to come over, bring your Zu's along and make a comparison.

Ftr You could likely acquire power amp and speakers for approx half of your spend on tweaks. You would not look back, i feel ;)
Guys, kudos to all of you for your input. I'll take it in the spirit it's offered.

Brad, yes I get the "lipstick on a pig" metaphor, I guess that could be quite appropriate LOL. I have to say that I've listened to a fair number of interesting alternatives to Zu over the years. Many don't cut the mustard at all for me, including a pair of horns you and Ked both love, but which leave me cold. Right now if I could snap my fingers and have a Zu replacement, it would be Cessaro Liszts, but size and cost constraints rule them out.

I may be fooling myself that I've made a silk purse out of a sow's ear w my attention to detail re optimising my Zus (upgraded pair after my first pair, and mods to high- and low-pass filters, and Lundahls transformers to subs amps), but I surely can be happy and contented that I've taken Zu sound to a whole new place.

Re my spend on tweaks, well this does incl the cost of an isolated electrical feed to the loft, 8kVA balanced power transformer, 6 no. dedicated lines and duplexes, high performing cables and power cords, Stacore under my tt, RollerBlock based isolation to other components. For me this has all been a worthwhile investment in getting to where I am now. Would I in retrospect have said no to all of this, as DDK Dave would easily have, and ploughed the lot into a pr of AG Trios w BassHorns, or Apogee Duettas or Scintillas w SOTA amps? Who knows? Maybe, but hindsight is a 20/20 science.

However I'm also honest enough to admit the Zus just struggle at that last bit of easy, flowing transparency that is so essential for classical, and even jazz, listening. And it's in this regard only that I may diverge from Zu.

And yes Ked, a more constant diet of live classical is instructive in highlighting the ultimate shortcomings of Zu and classical.

But, the Zus are actually better than you might imagine here, and system optimisation is enabling me to reach for classical lps more than I ever did, w much less reticence.

Brad, can you send a link for the Dynamiks spkrs you rate so highly?

I'm v close to making a decision not to spend big on acoustics treatments here (the room and system just sound sweet and unstressed), and if I'm to go big on one last signature upgrade, it'll be speakers.

Off course, the upgraded version of my Zus come to market in the next 18-24 months, and would be my default choice. I do rate AG Duos w certain caveats, I have heard Duettas really sing, I know I'd love Trios, etc etc etc.

Brad, I'll take up yr offer of a visit, much appreciated, but I really just wanted to declare that in many ways I'm at the end of a fascinating journey, w my sound finally expressive and consistent across sources. And I'm not really looking for better, but I'm not going to close my mind to options.
A couple of last things.

Brad, I highly rate the Duos, but I can't fully get on w the horn crossing over at 170Hz to the dynamic woofers. I have no problem with a hybrid in principle, just that I can hear the join. W my Zus, they only cross to the subs at 35Hz and despite never quite getting them to gel, I'm much less prone to the cut off than the Duos.

IB, my days of inefficient box spkrs are behind me, but thanks for the suggestion on Focals. No, if I dont go for new Zus or horns, my radical choice would be Apogees needing beefy amps. I was enamoured w ML Prodigys in the mid 90s, but even these I'll pass on re the need for uber SS.
Marc...I am not denying Zu can be the best for some. Let's keep my preferences out of this. My problem is, you chose Zus many years ago when you had a different budget, different room constraint and even different music tastes. Also, from your posts, then almost negligible exposure to live classical. So how can someone change his room, budget, accessories, gain even more exposure to different types of speakers like horns and planars, gain exposure to live concerts, have a change in the music he is listening too, and still retain the same gear taste, is difficult to see. If for example I change to electronic music, stats will be the first thing to drop off my consideration set. How have you retained the same tastes in analog and speaker gear after so many changes

This seems to be becoming a "reflection" thread about Marc's system. I short while ago, Marc was opening threads about new speaker types, new turntable types, uber digital versus uber analog, or value analog, etc. always to return to his satisfied state and experiencing uber nirvana. At least the room, power delivery, isolation are all set after much time and money spent. Right? Now, we are searching again, and so it continues. Maybe audio forums are to blame, and candid visitors. It is a long and winding road....
Peter, actually you had it right first time. It's others who are chipping in w interested opinions. I'm very happy as of now, because finally I've nailed an optimal tt install (Stacore pivotal here), my digital has blossomed again (courtesy more of system optimisation, now my cdp no longer on a Stacore), and all my system wrangling has eeked out every last iota from my Zus.

So, actually I'm reflecting on a total change in lifestyle and dream location being v good for the soul, this presenting the priceless environment for music that is my loft space, and what I feel is reward for persevering w certain unusual approaches (rim drive tt, air linear arm, Straingauge concept, full range crossoverless spkrs), and conscious decision to max performance thru sweating the details of cables, power, grounding, pneumatic isolation, instead of the steady turnover of main gear components I was prone to before.
Indeed since 2012/13 I haven't changed my tt, cdp, spkrs, no change of amps since 2015.
So I'm v happy to muse on what I think I've achieved. But at same time will bat those non Zu suggestions LOL.
Thanks, Marc. What ever happened to your Stacore under every component plan? I would think that one under your CDP would be v good, no? Regarding every last iota being eeked out of those Zus: how would you ever know for sure? I suspect your Zu/Zub relationship is not fully realized.
Peter, the grind of endless financial priorities in the chapel has put pay to Stacores under all my gear.

There's no doubt that my idea was a good one (esp for Stacore LOL), but I've found other ways to optimise, and indeed my spending is winding down at this point.

After 6 months of 100% vinyl immersion, it had been noticeable that my cdp suffered by not being on the Stacore (that was part of several months pure digital listening only, prior to my tt being set up).

In a perfect world, six more Stacores would have happened, but alas the world is imperfect.

I remain intrigued by what room treatments could bring to my sound, either Acustica Applicata DAADs, or a combination of PSI Audio AVAAs and Gik Gotham Quadratic diffusers, but I'd REALLY have to be convinced of these, and that would be something in a room that already is miles better than my last room.

I did once think I might treat myself to a final signature tt upgrade, but on balance I think if I was to spend a significant sum, it'll be on a new pr spkrs, either horns, or an outside bet being Apogees and the right kind of SS amps. Or the new upcoming Zus which promise to take my current performance and seriously address long standing weaknesses in the Zu sound.

Critically, I'm buying more music than ever, plenty of classical on lp, prog and Electronica on CD, going to more classical concerts, and less and less picking apart my sound at home.
IB, my days of inefficient box spkrs are behind me, but thanks for the suggestion on Focals. No, if I dont go for new Zus or horns, my radical choice would be Apogees needing beefy amps. I was enamoured w ML Prodigys in the mid 90s, but even these I'll pass on re the need for uber SS.

My Stellas aren't THAT inefficient, at 94db. But otherwise points taken :)

However i will reserve the right to remind you of this quote post visit chez IB....

You know that feeling that you have attained audio nirvana, reached a peak of what's possible conventionally, with no further incremental improvements possible, and all that remains is to be amazed and entertained as you nightly thrill to the music in your home?
That's how i would describe the addictively musical Wavac - Boulder - Focal alignment

As you have found, to seek further improvement through major component changes would involve going down completely different avenues.
To me the only remaining philosophical attraction, speaker wise, would be (even less efficient) dipoles.

And at the temprary resting place of my thread no single obvious candidate that fulfills my requirements has emerged.

Finally, i do feel you would be shocked at the exquisite delicacy of the big Boulders. I always thought that to be the preserve of valve amps, but the way notes hang in the air during simple passages can be breathtaking. This was an unexpected bonus to the musicality, effortless authority, and otherwordly soundstaging
Guys, kudos to all of you for your input. I'll take it in the spirit it's offered.

Brad, yes I get the "lipstick on a pig" metaphor, I guess that could be quite appropriate LOL. I have to say that I've listened to a fair number of interesting alternatives to Zu over the years. Many don't cut the mustard at all for me, including a pair of horns you and Ked both love, but which leave me cold. Right now if I could snap my fingers and have a Zu replacement, it would be Cessaro Liszts, but size and cost constraints rule them out.

I may be fooling myself that I've made a silk purse out of a sow's ear w my attention to detail re optimising my Zus (upgraded pair after my first pair, and mods to high- and low-pass filters, and Lundahls transformers to subs amps), but I surely can be happy and contented that I've taken Zu sound to a whole new place.

Re my spend on tweaks, well this does incl the cost of an isolated electrical feed to the loft, 8kVA balanced power transformer, 6 no. dedicated lines and duplexes, high performing cables and power cords, Stacore under my tt, RollerBlock based isolation to other components. For me this has all been a worthwhile investment in getting to where I am now. Would I in retrospect have said no to all of this, as DDK Dave would easily have, and ploughed the lot into a pr of AG Trios w BassHorns, or Apogee Duettas or Scintillas w SOTA amps? Who knows? Maybe, but hindsight is a 20/20 science.

However I'm also honest enough to admit the Zus just struggle at that last bit of easy, flowing transparency that is so essential for classical, and even jazz, listening. And it's in this regard only that I may diverge from Zu.

And yes Ked, a more constant diet of live classical is instructive in highlighting the ultimate shortcomings of Zu and classical.

But, the Zus are actually better than you might imagine here, and system optimisation is enabling me to reach for classical lps more than I ever did, w much less reticence.

Brad, can you send a link for the Dynamiks spkrs you rate so highly?

I'm v close to making a decision not to spend big on acoustics treatments here (the room and system just sound sweet and unstressed), and if I'm to go big on one last signature upgrade, it'll be speakers.

Off course, the upgraded version of my Zus come to market in the next 18-24 months, and would be my default choice. I do rate AG Duos w certain caveats, I have heard Duettas really sing, I know I'd love Trios, etc etc etc.

Brad, I'll take up yr offer of a visit, much appreciated, but I really just wanted to declare that in many ways I'm at the end of a fascinating journey, w my sound finally expressive and consistent across sources. And I'm not really looking for better, but I'm not going to close my mind to options.

Not sure which speaker that both Ked and I like that leaves you cold? Do you mean the Duo Mezzo? Have you tried it with your NATs?

I do agree with Ked that if a speaker or system can't do classical well then it is somehow flawed.

We currently have the model Monitor 12.18 in house for permanent demo. We generally demo this with the Diana Forte stereo amp (60 watts) with Impera II preamp and Kassandra II DAC. We also, have the Genus Integrated and Diana Integrated (both 25 watts). I have the Genus at my place on my big Odeons. We can also hook that up with the Kassandra. I also have an Incito preamp that is running on my second system.

Just let me know when you would like to come and just so you know we will have a couple of rooms at the Swiss High End show at the end of October. We will be demoing then a new model of Dynamikks! that are not yet released but should be in a month or so. It will be semi-active (like your Zus).
It's Gavin, yes?
Hey, no criticism from me of SS w dynamic coned spkrs, and I'm sure there's any number of non tube amps I could live with.

Indeed I've heard the Cessaro Liszts more than once, w SS and tube amps, and I'd take one of the SS options over the other two.

And certainly if I was to take leave of my senses and go Apogee, well I'd have to go SS too, "in for a penny, in for a pound".

But I have no great desire to return to multi driver box spkrs and big beefy amps, no matter how tender and succulent that beef is LOL.
Brad, the Animas. To say I'm underwhelmed by these doesn't quite cover it. Ked and I just don't see eye to eye on this one, and never will.

I'm also not a massive fan of yr beloved Living Voice Vox Olympian.

Now we have the reverse issue, you and Ked feel I need to go for a spkr that covers classical well (no argument from me), but both Animas and Olympian don't cut it on rock or Electronica, rule themselves out.
This seems to be becoming a "reflection" thread about Marc's system.

Tbh i only chimed in after reading how Marc's account of what he loved about his current sound, plus the things he would like to achieve, basically described the sound i have here

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