Brad, the Animas. To say I'm underwhelmed by these doesn't quite cover it. Ked and I just don't see eye to eye on this one, and never will.
I'm also not a massive fan of yr beloved Living Voice Vox Olympian.
Now we have the reverse issue, you and Ked feel I need to go for a spkr that covers classical well (no argument from me), but both Animas and Olympian don't cut it on rock or Electronica, rule themselves out.
Well, to be honest I have a bit of mixed feeling about the Animas but I think it has more to do with the electronics on them. When I heard them with good SET they were pretty darn good...with SS they were not. What did you hear them with?
Where did you hear the Vox Olympian? Did you hear it at Definitive Audio? A show in England? It can do electronica just fine...I heard it do some of the most jaw-dropping Dead Can Dance I ever heard...not pure electronica but beat driven and with electronic elements. IMO, that system with the right electronics transcends normal high end audio...