Well I've got to a point in the last couple of days where I really feel I've achieved a better sound by far than ever before, and I'm going to kick back, relax, and just enjoy my music, and stop the damn analysis that I'm especially prone to (although I'm sure I'm not alone here LOL).
Since me and Ra moved to the chapel, we've been going to a lot more classical concerts than ever in London, and I've developed a whole slew of reference points that I try and compare my home sound to. And I do feel what I've achieved here holds up a lot more than pretty much the same core system in London.
So, finally I'm getting a sense that every record is different. Totally different tonality, soundstage etc. In the past I had a greater homogeneity from one lp to another. I struggled to pick up fine differences in acoustic cues, texture etc. So many lps sounded great, some excellent.
I'm now getting a greater range, those excellent records are greater in number, and excel at so many more subtle things that
1- weren't present in my previous sound
2- I'm more aware of from my live exposure.
And now I'm aware of how many lps are held back from being excellent, now not because of my system, but simply poor sounding, poorly recorded/mastered.
Despite this initially feeling restrictive, I'm now liking my system and room has greater fidelity, transparency and neutrality, now telling me what's on the lp, not "doctoring" the sound as before.
I never used to get any mileage from VTF changes from one lp to another, and now it's an area I address on every lp to great effect.
Additionally, I've finally unlocked the correct Zus subs settings. In my old room, every setting seemed ok, w no one single setting ever being quite right.
Now almost every subs setting is wrong, w the one I've chosen seeming to be absolutely right.
Critically my last series of tweaks has unlocked the combination here, Zus on RevOPods footers on Panzerholz plinths on Symposium Svelte Shelves on to the floor.
The Zus for the first time in my long and occasionally frustrating ownership of them, have finally blossomed into spkrs which are now fantastic on classical as well as rock. Indeed I'm now pulling out classical lps to listen to first before the usual suspects of my prog and fusion.
I can't thank Barry/Blue58 enough for offering constructively critical advice which has helped me over this final hurdle.
Other than a few mods to my power cords, that's it for me and this current system. I'm going to just kick back, relax and listen to a ton more music in the coming year. I do have my eye on a fantastic potential alternative to my Zus, but this is purely tentative and at the v earliest stage of planning.
I have massive chapel related non audio priorities that come ahead of any more major audio spending, and the cold wind of Brexit is about to strike the UK (Global Cooling, my euphemism) will likely kill my spending capacity. But I remain intrigued by these horns I have interest in.
But I'm cool, Zen etc. 22 years, a stupid amount of money spent, 3 complete systems, mods to major gear, as much cash spent on ancilliaries as my current components outlay, the same again spent on the room, moving forwards/sideways/backwards/and forwards again, the absolute joy of the new room, a big jump to ultimate neutrality and transparency, and resultant ability to really enjoy and dive into classical, indeed all genres.
It'll be a blessed relief to get past the system and back into the music 100% from now on.
Thanks to everyone for their input, sorry if I've come across spiky, or defensive, to any offering their heartfelt advice. It's all been appreciated, even if my replies gave the impression it wasn't.
Since me and Ra moved to the chapel, we've been going to a lot more classical concerts than ever in London, and I've developed a whole slew of reference points that I try and compare my home sound to. And I do feel what I've achieved here holds up a lot more than pretty much the same core system in London.
So, finally I'm getting a sense that every record is different. Totally different tonality, soundstage etc. In the past I had a greater homogeneity from one lp to another. I struggled to pick up fine differences in acoustic cues, texture etc. So many lps sounded great, some excellent.
I'm now getting a greater range, those excellent records are greater in number, and excel at so many more subtle things that
1- weren't present in my previous sound
2- I'm more aware of from my live exposure.
And now I'm aware of how many lps are held back from being excellent, now not because of my system, but simply poor sounding, poorly recorded/mastered.
Despite this initially feeling restrictive, I'm now liking my system and room has greater fidelity, transparency and neutrality, now telling me what's on the lp, not "doctoring" the sound as before.
I never used to get any mileage from VTF changes from one lp to another, and now it's an area I address on every lp to great effect.
Additionally, I've finally unlocked the correct Zus subs settings. In my old room, every setting seemed ok, w no one single setting ever being quite right.
Now almost every subs setting is wrong, w the one I've chosen seeming to be absolutely right.
Critically my last series of tweaks has unlocked the combination here, Zus on RevOPods footers on Panzerholz plinths on Symposium Svelte Shelves on to the floor.
The Zus for the first time in my long and occasionally frustrating ownership of them, have finally blossomed into spkrs which are now fantastic on classical as well as rock. Indeed I'm now pulling out classical lps to listen to first before the usual suspects of my prog and fusion.
I can't thank Barry/Blue58 enough for offering constructively critical advice which has helped me over this final hurdle.
Other than a few mods to my power cords, that's it for me and this current system. I'm going to just kick back, relax and listen to a ton more music in the coming year. I do have my eye on a fantastic potential alternative to my Zus, but this is purely tentative and at the v earliest stage of planning.
I have massive chapel related non audio priorities that come ahead of any more major audio spending, and the cold wind of Brexit is about to strike the UK (Global Cooling, my euphemism) will likely kill my spending capacity. But I remain intrigued by these horns I have interest in.
But I'm cool, Zen etc. 22 years, a stupid amount of money spent, 3 complete systems, mods to major gear, as much cash spent on ancilliaries as my current components outlay, the same again spent on the room, moving forwards/sideways/backwards/and forwards again, the absolute joy of the new room, a big jump to ultimate neutrality and transparency, and resultant ability to really enjoy and dive into classical, indeed all genres.
It'll be a blessed relief to get past the system and back into the music 100% from now on.
Thanks to everyone for their input, sorry if I've come across spiky, or defensive, to any offering their heartfelt advice. It's all been appreciated, even if my replies gave the impression it wasn't.