After visiting a fascinating system comprising Thrax hybrid amps and spkrs, modded Eera Tentation cdp and Aqua La Diva/La Scala transport/dac, Siltech Double Crown and Synergistic Research Galileo cables, two levels of conditioner/regenerator, SR HFTs room treatments, and a whole bunch of crystals treatments incl directional quartz on pwr cords, Goldstone and Tourmaline Black on gear (some w additional battery psus), and HRS Damping Plates, I learnt a few things.
First, the Eera remains a mighty compelling digital source, hugely analog in nature, and in many ways better than the 2x pricier Aqua 2-box.
My Eera will be going to Fidelity Audio in UK for clock etc mods.
Second, despite my huge respect for a highly impressive sound, it's SETs only for me. The uber resolving leading edge presentation, even on hybrid Thrax', brings w it a certain tension and underlying hint of fatigue that's not for me. Just lacks the last ounce of texture and natural warmth.
Third, SR HFTs are something I could certainly investigate, but I'm not sure crystal therapy in audio is my bag.
Fourth, and most fascinating, was the listening position for a pr standmount spkrs being much further back than I've ever contemplated.
Well, I've taken this on board, and am now 15' back from my Zus, spkrs a little more tilted out.
Initial impressions were of a little loss of focus, but I've perservered, and am really liking this new perspective on music. The stage is in front of me, but I'm much more aware of space, imaging, and perspective. What I'm losing a tad on focus I'm gaining much more intimacy, and music in the round.
Another step twds greater immersion and enjoyment, now my Zus are doing the whole delicacy and transparency thing way beyond anything I had even 6 weeks ago.