Vote today... Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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So much for the superPacs and that tremendous amount of money flushed down the toilet that could have been put to so much better use.
Can't wait for another 4 years of 2% GDP growth and 7% unemployment with 23 million out of work. Good job

What will the Reuublican message be now? They've run their playbook:b
Can't wait for another 4 years of 2% GDP growth and 7% unemployment with 23 million out of work. Good job

Christian one needs only look no further at Congresses ten percent approval rating to understand things. Their inability to compromise has kept money on the sideline.
What will the Reuublican message be now? They've run their playbook:b

Exclusive not inclusive. Far cry from the party of Lincoln. Remember that after the Civil Rights Act in 64 that Johnson predicted Dems would lose the South for the next 50 years. Pretty prophetic.
What will the Reuublican message be now? They've run their playbook

if obama wants to get anything significant done, he will have to compromise with the R controlled house. He will have to bend (Obama) otherwise he gets nothing done, debt continues to rise, amercia suffers. Let's see if Obama has an ounce of leadership and genuine bipartisanship this time around. I'm not holding my breath.
Biggest loss in this election is that. $4 Billion dollars wasted rather than put to good use...

Regardless of the result, I find this and the Supreme Court ruling that fomented it tragically sad.

As for Romney and Mass. - his policies were very different as Gov -- healthcare and cap and trade on emissions to name two.
Let's see if Obama has an ounce of leadership

he hasn't shown that in 4 years

and genuine bipartisanship this time around. I'm not holding my breath.

Nor am I --- and in 4 years when we are totally and completely in the toilet, he will continue to blame Bush.

As someone once noted: "we get the kind of leadership we deserve"
Game,set, match Obama.

Now that the TEApublicans and extremists have had their asses kicked, our government can finally move back to the center and work for the common good.

Still waiting to here if Bachmann was sent packing.

I agree. This is the mainstream rejecting the extremism that has been dominating the headlines. A lot of centrists would have happily voted Romney into office if he was not beholden to the nutcases in his party. This is the end of the politics of legitimate rape and no tax raise pledges, and the beginning of the era of gay marriage and universal healthcare. Hats of to the american voters. They had me worried for a while, but sanity prevails.

WBF seems to be a reliable indicator..
It will be interesting, although irrelevant for election purposes, to see where the popular vote finally lands. I agree that extremism by either party (unfortunately, we only have two) is unacceptable to the majority of people in this country. I don't read this as a mandate for Obama and don't regard it as a 'win' for Americans as a whole. I do think all of us should acknowledge how well behaved we were here- I know there are some strong feelings on both sides, and we managed to conduct ourselves as thoughtful adults. Perhaps we should be running things.

WBF seems to be a reliable indicator..

Yes, a very good indicator that our wonderful country is screwed for another four years.

Maybe we can ask Haiti for help on how to run a third world country.;-)
if obama wants to get anything significant done, he will have to compromise with the R controlled house. He will have to bend (Obama) otherwise he gets nothing done, debt continues to rise, amercia suffers. Let's see if Obama has an ounce of leadership and genuine bipartisanship this time around. I'm not holding my breath.

Both sides have to bend and Boehner's needs to stop kissing the TEApublican's asses and put them in their place. Their message doesn't resonate with the majority of voters.
Romney made the election closer when he moderated his positions during and after the first debate. There is a lesson there for those who refuse to compromise.

Perhaps both sides will move towards the middle to protect the best interests of the nation.
Both sides have to bend and Boehner's needs to stop kissing the TEApublican's asses and put them in their place. Their message doesn't resonate with the majority of voters.

We may see Boehner change because the Tea Party will be seen by many Rep party members as losing them the election with their extremism. Definitely some Senate seats. Long term demographics against the Rep party too, forex 60% of 18-29 for Obama as well as solid majority of women. Women are already the majority and gaining in numbers. Rep's biggest bloc, white males, is shrinking.
-- Looks like Donald Trump came at a close second spot, and Romney right behind at third spot. :D

Congratulations Barack! -- :b

P.S. Romney's still working on his third spot's speech (still writing it).
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