Vote today... Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hey look , two dykes Holland ... :) if only the dutch could play soccer .. :)

Dykes are no laughing matter in Holland.
Ever been there when the tulips are blooming? Like rainbows on the ground.
Lovely country, if a bit flat.
Ohio looks good for OBAMA at this point! And with Florida neck and neck (slight advantage to Obama I understand). I am ready to lay it on the line.

Obama for the win!
Dykes are no laughing matter in Holland.
Ever been there when the tulips are blooming? Like rainbows on the ground.
Lovely country, if a bit flat.

Weird place when the boats are above your head as you drive along a canal.
NJ is trending for Romney. Now that's a surprise.
Looks as if the two bellwether states of Ohio and Florida are going for Obama.

Why is that ....? And your link is way out dated ......:)

Why is that? Because our government is a suck-up to your government, that's why! What your president says, our gutless PM's inevitably follow. The sycophantic behaviour was irritating under Howard, and it cost us lives and money in a couple of pointless wars. I hoped things would be better under Gillard, but her over-the-top performance when she addressed your Congress was a plain embarrassment for most Australians. Even New Zealanders have more balls than us.

If you have a better link, it would be great if you could share.
Don't know what you're watching. Obama was declared the winner.

Watching CBC, pretty reliable, but minutes count and things change. Sorry.
Looks like Obama is winning this as of 8:05pm PST.... And democrats retain control of the senate....
Hey guys, throw me a bone here! I've switched to NY Times for my live coverage, but I suspect it may not be as up to date as whatever you guys are using? It looks to me as if Obama 225 to Romney 174, with 139 undecided. Obama is leading in most of the undecided states, including Florida and Ohio?
Hey guys, throw me a bone here! I've switched to NY Times for my live coverage, but I suspect it may not be as up to date as whatever you guys are using? It looks to me as if Obama 225 to Romney 174, with 139 undecided. Obama is leading in most of the undecided states, including Florida and Ohio?
Fox News has called it for Obama based on Ohio, even though Florida is still unfinished. Late breaking news: Romney camp contesting Fox News determination re Ohio. So, it apparently isn't over yet.
Hey guys, throw me a bone here! I've switched to NY Times for my live coverage, but I suspect it may not be as up to date as whatever you guys are using? It looks to me as if Obama 225 to Romney 174, with 139 undecided. Obama is leading in most of the undecided states, including Florida and Ohio?

Game,set, match Obama.

Now that the TEApublicans and extremists have had their asses kicked, our government can finally move back to the center and work for the common good.

Still waiting to here if Bachmann was sent packing.
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