Vote today... Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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True but the People have voted ...
I don't think I can stand watching anymore news cycles until this Obama media love fest dies down. I'm trying to keep my food down. He needs to get to time to celebrate with his celeb buddies...Obama: America's first "Sportsbar President". Cheers !
if obama wants to get anything significant done, he will have to compromise with the R controlled house. He will have to bend (Obama) otherwise he gets nothing done, debt continues to rise, amercia suffers. Let's see if Obama has an ounce of leadership and genuine bipartisanship this time around. I'm not holding my breath.
First you have to get elected.
Colorado measure legalizing marijuana passes
An amendment that would make it legal in Colorado for individuals to possess and for businesses to sell marijuana for recreational use has passed.

This is the best thing that happened during this election. I don't live in Co., but it sure is legal in my man cave...Time to go recreate and listen to some fine music...:D

Edit: add the fine state of WA to that list of great election victories. Thanks Gary
Thought Obama's speech was pretty powerful.
Romney gave a very gracious concession speech.

---- Sounded quite 'robotic' to me. ...No emotion, no juice, no heart, no soul at all.
...And total lack of real support for 'our' true president (you guys' reelected president, Barack Obama).

On the other way, Barack's speech was pretty good, I'd say.
Now time for action. ...Everyone in the government; democrats, and republicans joining forces all together with the all American citizens. ...And a special effort from people with more responsabilities; the ones in power, and the ones with way more money than the average. ...Just the way it should be for a balanced economy in an equal country.

* Being a super power means sharing your wealth with the handicapped, the poor, the defavorized, and getting your house in order first, before you clean houses of other countries, I think. ...Or in a balanced way anyway.

And where's Donald Trump when New Yorkers need a real hand?
...And all those super rich talk show animators; Oprah, Dr. Phil, ...?
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Thought Obama's speech was pretty powerful.


Now will we see more bipartisanship or more inflexibility? This country needs to address its real issues, some of them pressing: The Economy, the debt, Education, Infrastructures and that won't be accomplished with a group saying "No" as the only answer, which if one considers recent history has been the case the past 4 years.
I continue to be amazed however by the results from this straw poll ... Considering what I believe to be the make-up of this board. I also would like to congratulate my fellow members for the polite , although at time heated, debate. This thread more than many other show why for many WBF has become a daily destination.
We may see Boehner change because the Tea Party will be seen by many Rep party members as losing them the election with their extremism. Definitely some Senate seats. Long term demographics against the Rep party too, forex 60% of 18-29 for Obama as well as solid majority of women. Women are already the majority and gaining in numbers. Rep's biggest bloc, white males, is shrinking.

Without question, idiots like Akin, Mourdock and Walsh killed the GOP chances of winning the senate.

Big question: will the Tea Party stay affiliated with the GOP after this election?
I don't think I can stand watching anymore news cycles until this Obama media love fest dies down. I'm trying to keep my food down. He needs to get to time to celebrate with his celeb buddies...Obama: America's first "Sportsbar President". Cheers !

On that we agree.

And don't think that Obama doesn't know that-nor the GOP. The problem is the GOP stonewalled all the bills this year hoping Obama would lose. Now both sides have to come to their senses to give those involved in the economy a sense of stability.

Now will we see more bipartisanship or more inflexibility? This country needs to address its real issues, some of them pressing: The Economy, the debt, Education, Infrastructures and that won't be accomplished with a group saying "No" as the only answer, which if one considers recent history has been the case the past 4 years.
I continue to be amazed however by the results from this straw poll ... Considering what I believe to be the make-up of this board. I also would like to congratulate my fellow members for the polite , although at time heated, debate. This thread more than many other show why for many WBF has become a daily destination.

Agreed on all counts.

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader

Lets see if McConnell changes his tune a little now as well as Boehner.

Lets see too how Obama adjusts his tactics now with 4 years under his belt in a job I think we can agree has a steep learning curve.

One of my disappointments with Obama is that he never explained policies to the people. He allowed everyone else to define it Few understand Obamacare yet have opinions for or against. Etc. I fully expect him making his case to the people more this time around, more use of the bully pulpit in an attempt to counterbalance the reflexive 'no' , filibuster, etc
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