Franz- agree, but information is not entertaining. And hardly worth devoting 24/7, constant bombardment of conjecture, opinion and catering to the audience segment. BBC is decent, frankly, I've started reading ex-US news through aggegators and hardly ever watch TV 'news.' Cartoons are actually not just more entertaining, but often more informative.
I do not want to look backwards. i rarely do but there were mechanisms (laws) in place that mandated equal time and fairness (Equal Time and Fairness Doctrine). They were both repealed the First during Reagan Presidency and the second most recently (People with more knowledge of the Law will corect me if necessary) that would have curtailed or made very difficult the birth and success of outfits such as FoxNews (very extreme if you ask me) or MSNBC or countless others but these two are the have come to signify the rise of partisan broadcast channels on TV. We should have a hard look at the present situation and evaluate the effects of the repeals. One could say that it hasn't been too good so far. The will of the People seems to still work despite the Financial "success" of FNC. yet the existence of such powerful and well frequented outlets distort the political reality. One could argue tht extremism would not be such in our political reality if it weren;t for such outlets. News is too important to be only entertainment. I see that as a dangerous trend. IME, IMHO, YMMV, etc
I am with you. I have come to understand better what is going on in the World by making sure of watching American Broadcast News last.. The BBC is good but so is the French Outlet AFP (Agences France Presse).. for a different view on World events. Are they unbiased? No. Not really but the emphasis is on facts not on entertainment or partisans coloring.
I have previously mentioned Education. In a world increasingly interdependent, I continue to remain astonished by the insularity of too many Americans and that also colors the Political discourse especially on Foreign Affairs. The tone on the Campaign was strange talking about allies as if they were lepers (Europe) or about about our main, manufacturing partner some would say base as a child to straighten-out (China). I could bet that the microphones through which blusters were proferred were "Made In China" .. Our leaders when elected have to meet and deal and sign treaties with people they recently disrespected ... It makes America positions difficult it makes treatin even with Friends and with enemies or adversaries an impossible task and that has an impact on our bottom line on our economy. Understanding , which only comes with Education avoids or at least mitigates that.. more it allow people a better mastery of their destiny... The USA is the most entrepreneurial country on the planet and for it to create jobs it must look forward, at the 21st century.. Manufacturing jobs of the past 50 years will not come back. New jobs will be in New sectors and those will come only with R&D which again suggest Education... it has to be made affordable it is a cost we must bear for a better future ... Education. high level , affordable Education cannot be always defered, it is something that must be approached right today ...
I'll stop there I find myself in a strange political mood .. I must be happy