Vote today... Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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One area for improvement is to give students some real life professional training, and not just to be researchers or law clerks to work at traditional law firms. Actually teach them how to draft a contract, how to conduct due diligence of an IP portfolio, how to think about interviewing a witness or client and how to be a real working lawyer, not just a theoretician or assistant. Law schools eschewed that for years, because they didn't want to appear to be 'trade schools.' So the students (and firms) relied on ''on the job" training, which is also quite expensive (for the firms). Many students don't get that training now particularly if they aren't getting a job at a decent firm willing to help them along.
How to translate that vital, real life training into the myriad other fields, services, markets and jobs that we need to create? That's the hard part, let alone defining what those jobs are, so they are training for something that is needed in 5 or 10 or 20 years.

I agree. The problem with law schools is they try to create legal scholars. The country needs about 3 of those. New workers, whether lawyers or otherwise, need practical training to hit the ground running - especially if they are charging several hundred dollars per hour like big-firm first-year associates who know nothing and probably went straight from high school to college to law school and have no practical experience.
I agree. The problem with law schools is they try to create legal scholars. The country needs about 3 of those. New workers, whether lawyers or otherwise, need practical training to hit the ground running - especially if they are charging several hundred dollars per hour like big-firm first-year associates who know nothing and probably went straight from high school to college to law school and have no practical experience.
Chrisr, check out 4.26 et seq of the Cal. Bar Admission Rules or whatever they are called. They appear to permit a combo of internship/study for a judge or in a law office in lieu of a JD to sit for the bar there. I ain't admitted there, so I am no offering legal advice concerning California law. :)
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Perhaps the rules have changed since your friend became a lawyer, but California requires a JD or equivalent law degree to sit for the state bar. I'm just guessing (and I don't mean to make an issue of this topic) that he may be a patent agent instead of a patent lawyer.

Patent agents need a 4-year science or engineering degree and need to pass the patent office bar exam. They can represent people before the patent office, but not in court. In other words, they can help people get patents, but they can't help them sue in court over them.

Patent lawyers need a science/engineering degree + JD + patent bar + state bar to represent both at the patent office and in court.

- Your friendly neighborhood patent lawyer

I'll have to ask my friend about that. He has a certified IQ of 160, so I imagine his brother isn't too different. I'll ask if his brother is a "patent agent" rather than a standard JD type bar passing lawyer.

Do lawyers pass bars? I thought they always went in.

Obama fumbled many times but I am amused when I hear or read about the "lack of bipartisanship" attributed to Obama... This is a case of re-writing the narrative. Members of the Republican party came forward telling to whoever with a microphone or a pencil that they were going to make sure that this President would be a one-Term... And they tied , the People of the US of A though otherwise thus this Electoral Vote drubbing... Now this behavior from the opposition has morphed into a lack of bi-partisan from the President.. Shouldn't we be a tad more honest?
We need strong parties to keep each other in check and honest .. An motor turn because it has two poles to use a platitude. No problem with disagreement but obstructionism to the scale it has been practiced the past few years will not help even when we re-labelled. The rational recourse would be to be pragmatic but .... but that is the problem with extremism: Ideology becomes reality.. Even in the presence and knowledge of facts.

Anyone who believes that Mr.Obama is willing to work with the Republicans should read Bob Woodward's book "The Price of Politics."

Wonder how much it cost taxpayers to fly "The Amateur*" around the country during his re-election campaign.

*another good read- Edward Klein's "The Amateur"
I know only one legal thing, and I hope I never have to use it.

"Mr. Chairman,
On behalf of counsel, I would like to take this opportunity to exercise my Fifth Amendment privilege." :D
finished down 313 points today Bob

Yep, steep. Not a great day. Its like they turned the programs off that run a good chunk of the trading and let everyone know they're pissed.
Yep, steep. Not a great day. Its like they turned the programs off that run a good chunk of the trading and let everyone know they're pissed.

---- ...Europe's financial crisis, with the growing incertitude of any economic recovery.

...Plus the 'economic precipice' (fiscal cliff) in America. ...Very serious proposition.

Investors are bailing out and prefer to wait there, on the outside line.
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Anyone who believes that Mr.Obama is willing to work with the Republicans should read Bob Woodward's book "The Price of Politics."

Wonder how much it cost taxpayers to fly "The Amateur*" around the country during his re-election campaign.

*another good read- Edward Klein's "The Amateur"

Yep , still cracking up over that one , I guess the Democrats tried to make Obama a one term president too , his last budget was rejected the same as all of his previous one's , except it received ZERO VOTES ...!!!!

Anyway congrats America, where it seems 50% voted for higher taxes, inflation and unemployment , Obama seems very genuine when he promised to move "Forward" on 4 more of the same ..

Interesting times ...
Anyway congrats America, where it seems 50% voted for higher taxes, inflation and unemployment , Obama seems very genuine when he promised to move "Forward" on 4 more of the same ..

Interesting times ...

I own a small business and my CPA just sent me what my taxes next year and following will be as a result of this election. I am working feverishly to sell the business before the end of the year since the taxes on capital gains will go up as well --- substantially!!

This will be a county where you will have to be VERY VERY wealthy or in the dumper so Obama can take care of you. Apparently making in the low 6 figures is not a good place to be.
In a country where a good 75% of the folks don't know about the three branches of our government, don't know how the electoral college works, don't even recognize a picture of our Vice President, there are some far-reaching issues that must be addressed. When close to 1/2 of the citizens pay zero income tax, and claim entitlements, they will continue to vote for those who support that system. Then, hard-working guys (like Chuck above) will lose interest in providing a much larger portion of their income to fund these entitlements and decide to become one of the "entitled". Absolutely no offense, since the incentive to be an upper-middle class earner will be dissipated. Then, with over 50% of the citizenship on the dole, it will become a one-party system. Nobody will vote to end their "free stuff".

In a country where a good 75% of the folks don't know about the three branches of our government, don't know how the electoral college works, don't even recognize a picture of our Vice President, there are some far-reaching issues that must be addressed. When close to 1/2 of the citizens pay zero income tax, and claim entitlements, they will continue to vote for those who support that system. Then, hard-working guys (like Chuck above) will lose interest in providing a much larger portion of their income to fund these entitlements and decide to become one of the "entitled". Absolutely no offense, since the incentive to be an upper-middle class earner will be dissipated. Then, with over 50% of the citizenship on the dole, it will become a one-party system. Nobody will vote to end their "free stuff".


That argument is such a farce to be comical. Just who are these people who don't pay taxes? Senior citizens? Armed forces? Disabled? Yes, millionaires? How about religious institutions? Corporations?
Is that a serious question Myles , Which sane individual would vote to give those wasteful corrupt leeches in Washington more taxes..? Vote for higher unemployment..? Inflation..?

When are we going to put the brakes on the ensuing anarchy ....?

The leadership vacuum in Washinton is startling, too much same ole, same ole . In 2008 Obama inherited the Bushy admin's folly , this time its worst , he has now inherited OBAMA's folly ...

Interesting times .....!!!!
It amazing that so many people voted (essentially) for more taxes. More income taxes, more capital gain taxes and much higher estate taxes.
I wouldn't care about paying more taxes to provide basic health care and necessary social services for those in need. But the amount of corruption and waste is headache inducing.
It amazing that so many people voted (essentially) for more taxes. More income taxes, more capital gain taxes and much higher estate taxes.

Do you see anything wrong with that, or just making an observation? Is same-or-lower taxes the only solution out of the financial mess? Why wouldn't/shouldn't we pay more taxes? What's a good and fair tax rate to pay?
I wouldn't care about paying more taxes to provide basic health care and necessary social services for those in need. But the amount of corruption and waste is headache inducing.

Unfortunately, we have allowed the definition of "in need" to become ridiculous.

And it surprises me not one whit that Myles would actually ask such a question. Hopefully, for his sake, it was rhetorical.

And no, I'm not going to be part of the entitled. I have been far too blessed for that to happen. I am, however, intentionally taking myself out of the income bracket so I am not required to support to such a large extent, government systems, government philosophies, government incompetence and size that would be required were I to continue in the income bracket I am currently in.

And by the way, do you think it coincidental that George Lucas sold his company THIS YEAR? The guy he supported (Obama) has new plans for capital gains that would have cost Lucas may many many millions.
I find it amusing that everyone is having a hissyfit over out of control taxation when taxes are at an historically low, and all Obama is talking about is letting the Bush cuts on high income expire, so levels move closer to the historical and (global) norm, which was completely uncontroversial under along line of Republican presidents. Note that these high earners are the only ones that have seen their (after tax) real income raise over the last few decades, while low income and middle class was getting hammered.

This country has lots of problems. Punitive taxation is not one of them. Stop whining. And yes, - in case you are wondering -I will get a tax hike too if Obama makes good on his promises. I hope he does. Heaven forbid I could not afford another $2000 powercord as a result.
And by the way, do you think it coincidental that George Lucas sold his company THIS YEAR? The guy he supported (Obama) has new plans for capital gains that would have cost Lucas may many many millions.

The predicament of Lucas and assorted hedgefund managers in this country is truly heartbreaking. I think we should ask Bob Geldorf to stage "Live aid 3.0 - help the 0.01% concert".
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