Vote today... Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Tax increase's hurt the poor , not the rich and it drives corruption ..... !!!!

That must be why there is no corruption and the poor are doing so well in all these third world countries with low taxes, and the poor's standard of living is so low in place like Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
Well that's not quite right...If you own 100% of a business, your dividends are paid with after tax money. So if you pay a 20% corporate rate, that is an additional tax of $60,000 that you have effectively paid (your 100% owned company acting as collector for the government). As you correctly noted, you would then pay an additional 15% on the dividend. You pay $125,000 of tax on your income of $400,000 for a rate of 31.25%, not 16.5%. This is the reason someone who owns a small business tries to avoid dividends.

Our friend Rockitman made the case he pays himself mostly dividend to get an effective rate of 15%. Your math makes his whole "my taxes will go from 15% to 43% argument" even more bogus. You just pay yourself a $400,000 salary at 40% marginal tax rate, cut all dividends and your effective tax rate hardly chances.

"Romney said Obama “cut Medicare by $716 billion to pay for Obamacare,” but these cuts in the future growth of spending prolong the life of the Medicare trust fund, stretching the program’s finances out longer than they would last otherwise."

The 716 Billion are cuts strictly to admin and provider costs. ZERO benefits are cut. ZERO.

BTW, Paul Ryan had the identical dollar amount cut from his "budget proposal".

Obama DID refute the fact that these were not cuts in benefits.

In other words, Romney's statement was true. Those implying that it referred to taking money (benefits) from recipients was untrue. See also

Romney didnt have income , he paid taxes on capital gains , whats amazing to me are those individuals who insist on applying past failed policies over and over , we see how well high taxes work in europe ....

Cognitive dissonance , much ......!!!
That must be why there is no corruption and the poor are doing so well in all these third world countries with low taxes, and the poor's standard of living is so low in place like Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

3rd world countries have low taxes ....!!!! Say no more , time to get back to my hi-fi

Romney didnt have income , he paid taxes on capital gains , whats amazing to me are those individuals who insist on applying failed past failed policies over and over , we see how well high taxes work in europe, yet ...

Cognitive dissonance , much ......!!!

You're right. What we need is a return to the successfull polices of G.W. Bush. Cut more taxes, let an unfettered Wall Street work its magic, start an unfunded war and start the day with prayer for a strong and healthy America. Connitive dissonance anyone?
You're right. What we need is a return to the successfull polices of G.W. Bush. Cut more taxes, let an unfettered Wall Street work its magic, start an unfunded war and start the day with prayer for a strong and healthy America. Connitive dissonance anyone?

Well Obama did just that , except doubling down on the spending and incompetence , easy to notice if you were paying attn ...

3rd world countries have low taxes ....!!!! Say no more , time to get back to my hi-fi

The highest taxed countries on the planet are all developed countries. If you do your fact checking on a hi-fi system you would never know it though. :)

Romney didnt have income , he paid taxes on capital gains , whats amazing to me are those individuals who insist on applying past failed policies over and over , we see how well high taxes work in europe ....

Cognitive dissonance , much ......!!!

Romney has in fact *income* in the strictest of definitions, from investments, not income from salaries and wages. In the end, it's all income, and the source of it can vary.
Romney has in fact *income* in the strictest of definitions, from investments, not income from salaries and wages. In the end, it's all income.
Well, there is a difference. When you earn a salary, it is taxed once. When you earn capital gains from investing that money in stocks, you get taxed again. And again....
The highest taxed countries on the planet are all developed countries. If you do your fact checking on a hi-fi system you would never know it though. :)

Lol , you need to get out more often edorr , i can ask wifey for you , if need be ...:)

You can't even imagine the taxes in a 3rd world country unless you have lived it ...
Well, there is a difference. When you earn a salary, it is taxed once. When you earn capital gains from investing that money in stocks, you get taxed again. And again....

I am not sure what the point is. Romney's effective rate is what it is, 14%. I pay a lot higher than that and my taxes will go even higher, and I want him and others like him (e.g corporations) to pay more, a lot more, while at the same time not affect the effective rate the bottom echelons pay.
Lol , you need to get out more often edorr , i can ask wifey for you , if need be ...:)

You can't even imagine the taxes in a 3rd world country unless you have lived it ...

edorr is probably talking about countries like Sweden and Denmark, with rates up to ~75%, which are indeed highly developed societies, and still able to afford whatever they want to.
Romney has in fact *income* in the strictest of definitions, from investments, not income from salaries and wages. In the end, it's all income, and the source of it can vary.

Semantics ack , we were discussing from a tax situation , his "income" was from investments , its taxed as capital gains , not salary income...
They are not 3rd world countries , by no measure ....!!!

Perhaps something lost in translation, but edorr's point - I think - is that higher taxes doesn't mean you will make the US a third world country; indeed, quite the opposite, there are examples of highly developed societies with very high tax rates.
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