To be more clear about my earlier post, it doesn't matter to what group the entitlements are distributed. The pool of "contributors" will continue to shrink as they tire of paying more to support others. It ends up being a matter of ideology and the ethic of work-produces-standard-of-living.
Yes, there are some tax breaks and loopholes that need to be examined in regards to the ultra-wealthy. Human nature dictates that many will vote for "stuff for me" if they have the opportunity. The salary-level pension-for-life for a single term in Congress is an example. So is the Congressional Health Care that is exempt from the Affordable Health Care Act. If they said, "Would you like to receive all the audio equipment of your choosing for free for life.... please vote!", what do you think most folks would say? There are fundamental problems that partisan politics cannot repair, and fundamental problems with our country experimenting with political ideologies that have historically failed throughout history.
Yes, there are some tax breaks and loopholes that need to be examined in regards to the ultra-wealthy. Human nature dictates that many will vote for "stuff for me" if they have the opportunity. The salary-level pension-for-life for a single term in Congress is an example. So is the Congressional Health Care that is exempt from the Affordable Health Care Act. If they said, "Would you like to receive all the audio equipment of your choosing for free for life.... please vote!", what do you think most folks would say? There are fundamental problems that partisan politics cannot repair, and fundamental problems with our country experimenting with political ideologies that have historically failed throughout history.