Vote today... Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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More on what I reported:

NYC To Fix Broken Scanners
The New York City Board of Elections has dispatched technicians to Yorkville Community School on Manhattan's Upper East Side Tuesday afternoon to fix broken optical scan machines at the polling place. Valerie Vazquez, a spokeswoman for the Board of Elections, said that she toured the school Tuesday afternoon in response to a HuffPost inquiry and found one of the four optical scan machines was broken.

Liz Topp tells HuffPost that when she voted at Yorkville this morning, it took two hours to vote with only one of the optical scan machines in use. Topp said emergency ballots were not being distributed at the time and lines snaked through the building. Topp said that a second optical scan machine was put into place before she left the school.

Emergency ballots were not being used at Yorkville since at least one scanner was working, Vazquez said.

The situation at Yorkville is not the only report of machines breaking on the Upper East Side on Tuesday. Justin Launer told HuffPost Tuesday morning that all of the optical scan machines broke at his polling place at the Park East Synagogue, and that he and others had to vote via emergency ballot.

--John Celock
Myles, when I voted this morning, I filled out a paper ballot, which was then scanned into a machine. I assumed they kept the paper ballot as back-up. Was the scanner you are talking about something different?
Thankfully it only took me 5 minutes to vote after work today. Walked right in, showed my driver's license to the barely coherent senior citizen in charge of 'the book' which had my signature which he didn't check against my driver's license and onto the electronic 'booth' and I was done.
Myles, when I voted this morning, I filled out a paper ballot, which was then scanned into a machine. I assumed they kept the paper ballot as back-up. Was the scanner you are talking about something different?

I was referring more to the electronic voting machines that don't spit out a paper record.

I assume they have to keep the paper ballot in the event of a recount.
Interesting note heard on CNN, Romney's own pollsters had him down 5% in Ohio as of the weekend
Just for fun, I've been watching the CNN US Presidential election map as they begin to tally results with predicted outcomes for each state. It's kind of fun to look at the states in contention, and think, 'gee, if I only had Park Place, or Boardwalk.' I'm sure there are other sites that have similar 'real time' maps of predicted outcomes, and you can avoid the talking heads. Of course, this assumes that CNN is accurately reporting the tallies. I have a feeling it's gonna be a long night.....
If this election is anywhere near as close as it's being made out to be, I expect to have a recount.
Which network is usually the first to cast a prediction? And how accurate have they been?
Which network is usually the first to cast a prediction? And how accurate have they been?
I think they all fight to be first :). Watching CNN prediction right now and they say Massachusetts, Romney's home state, will go to Obama! How does that happen?
Looks like Florida is going Obama.

Watching a live stream on CBC, so I can stay online and keep joining in this discussion.
I think they all fight to be first :). Watching CNN prediction right now and they say Massachusetts, Romney's home state, will go to Obama! How does that happen?

I think Mass was always projected for Obama.
Looks like Florida is going Obama.

Watching a live stream on CBC, so I can stay online and keep joining in this discussion.

It's a 'battleground' state, and one that's been controversial in the past, so keep watching....
According to Twitter feeds...FOX isn't very happy.
Went by the polling booth on 76th St. tonight at 8pm and the line was four blocks long to just get in. WTF?
Canadian survey of busisness shows that 70% would prefer an OBAMA victory. History, apparently, has shown that Canada fares better with a Democratic president.
Sure. But all of the Obama fanboys on this thread had the sound judgment not to bring up the (alleged) role of white racism this election, so as a courtesy I think it would befit team Romney to stay away from the issue of race as well.

Edorr , cognitive dissonace much, you're all over the map .. :)
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