The new state-of-the-art turntables do seem to go to heroic levels to squash speed variations. Shame there is no objective data to analyze how far they have come.
I am confident though that no matter how much progress they have made, digital still leaves analog in the dust as far as pure numbers.
The new state-of-the-art turntables do seem to go to heroic levels to squash speed variations. Shame there is no objective data to analyze how far they have come.
The new state-of-the-art turntables do seem to go to heroic levels to squash speed variations. Shame there is no objective data to analyze how far they have come.
OMG, digital done right as far as compression....and dynamics.....what a lovely sight to see.
So that we are firmly grounded here, this is a random measurement of a turntable (Linn Sondek LP12) from stereophile:
The test tone on the LP was 1.003 KHz test tone. What should have come out in the spectrum analyzer output above, should have been a single, sharp, vertical line at that frequency and absolutely nothing else. What came out is something else:
1. The tone is in there alright in the middle but it has widened substantially. That wide "skirt" is due to random speed modulation. It is ton of variations but its frequency is limited to +- 50 Hz.
2. The shoulders are broad even if we just go down 10 db from the peak. The variations have create huge amplitude of random low frequency distortions. We are talking orders of magnitude more than we see in digital system jitter.
3. We then have symmetrical spikes on each side of the tone. That indicates speed variations that have fairly precise causes that occur at X/second. They are sudden jumps in speed and therefor create distortion spikes at those exact frequencies. These rise up to -60 dB FS.
4. Going way past the center frequency, the signal never gets clean, establishing a base level of distortion+noise that is 70 db FS below input.
What this says is that this analog system was not remotely capable of creating a sine wave that was fed to it. This again invalidates those made up graphs of analog simply reproducing what is given to it as in the Counterpoint graph. It can't do that or even come within shouting distance.
By any objective measure, these are horrible, horrible measurements.
Thankfully the story does not end there. If we look at the distortions that MP3 creates, they too look horrific (not on sine waves but complex content). But we don't hear them easily because the codec attempts to create distortions that are masked. Same is happening here. The above graph has very narrow scale. So a lot of those distortions get overshadowed by the main tone. Not all though. Some are coming through and may be what people like to hear.
I know if you love analog you are rolling your eyes over this. That's fine. I just ask that we don't try to all of a sudden sound technical and pretend to explain how the technologies work when we don't have a grasp of either. Just stay in preference domain and we are good. Don't try to get technical .
And the analog tape master as well, although as you know they are cumulative but not strictly additive. Think about what the Plangent Process can do in some cases to nearly eliminate speed variations.This is assuming the lathe had a variation of 0%, otherwise you need to add the cumulative effect of the source as well.
The new state-of-the-art turntables do seem to go to heroic levels to squash speed variations. Shame there is no objective data to analyze how far they have come.
I am confident though that no matter how much progress they have made, digital still leaves analog in the dust as far as pure numbers.
... next to listening to his excellent system, and by some tweaking on the tone arm settings he just gave his turntable set-up a significant boost of resolution over the impressive amount that had already been there. The inner texture of the sound of a string section, of solo violin or of a jazz quartet on his system is just phenomenal, among the best I have ever heard, and that resolution just kills digital. All the digital I have heard does not come close.
fine ... perhaps a more telling question ... do you believe that the exact same system/tracks rec'd properly to digital won't offer the EXACT same fidelity?
Unless I am missing something isn't all digital now?? Who records on reel to reel??
If it does, then I suppose digital recording could be considered perfect, as in a perfect recording/copy of the original signal. If that is now the case, then digital technology would no longer need to improve. But I think we can all agree that digital technology is continuing to improve, which implies that it can still improve further.
Foo Fighters did it too.
Oh, it is necessary in both cases. Designs need to be verified. And that verification better not be subject to chance or vagaries of human listeners, no two of whom seem to agree which one of those sounds best. That we have somehow convinced ourselves to not show any measurements boggles my mind.No objective data necessary...after all, objective data fails to quantify what sounds best. Objective data may be more helpful for digital in terms of its ability to approximate the analog source.
That is not given either. Good digital systems for a long time have distortions that are well below threshold of hearing. What we are doing is pushing the distortions lower and lower for the sake of it because people keep thinking they are needed. And pay good money to get them.If it does, then I suppose digital recording could be considered perfect, as in a perfect recording/copy of the original signal. If that is now the case, then digital technology would no longer need to improve. But I think we can all agree that digital technology is continuing to improve, which implies that it can still improve further.
I was surfing the WWW (World Wide Web), and there are few bands who record an album on tape (R-2-R) once in a while. ...Very few.
Foo Fighters did it.
With a NEVE board if I'm not mistaken.
Well, improving technology is a given, with anything. Consider my question current; do you believe that a well implemented needledrop is incapable of capturing the analog based sound of your turntable/rig?
My problem with the so called fidelity of digital is that players do sound different from each other. The math is right, the implementation varies. Now what?