Don't know how much harsher you can get than using Crosley and Walmart together !
You got me LOL.
Don't know how much harsher you can get than using Crosley and Walmart together !
Looks like analog is kicking digital's behind so far in this poll.
Looks like analog is kicking digital's behind so far in this poll.
Surely. It is why I would appreciate reading your comparative findings about the PD, the Vivaldi, the new Metronome C8+ and the Trinity.
Indeed. The DAC/Digital forum routinely has higher traffic than the turntable forum. This is why we put it on top. Right now it has 20 viewers to 18. Earlier today the gap was even wider.It's a lot closer than one would guess by reading most posts in this and other topics at this forum, though... my experience our preferences have mostly to do with our references.
Or are you saying that as long as the recording is of the highest quality, and for the sake of argument, say you have the best available recording in each format, and the best, in your opinion, of each possible equipment for the various sources, that is, your favorite recordings being played on your favorite equipment for each format, then you still don't have a preference for format? Do they all sound the same to you? Or do they sound different but one is not clearly preferable by you to any of the others?
Indeed. The DAC/Digital forum routinely has higher traffic than the turntable forum. This is why we put it on top. Right now it has 20 viewers to 18. Earlier today the gap was even wider.
So if you are an analog guy pumping your chest by now, better go and create some threads in the turntable section to get more traffic. One idea that surfaced earlier was how to do a state-of-the-art LP system for a few thousand dollars.
That's an interesting comment Gary. Where will you put your bias in your signature?
A couple of percent difference in a Presidential election is considered a landslide. We're talking 25+% here.
I was going to say that has a lot to do with current content. While the analog guys are happily listening away the digital guys are here creating bandwidth!
I disagree. Take companies that record (ed) in parallel formats like RR, Yarlung, etc. Let's take RR's early effort for example Arnold Overtures. I have all three versions of several of their releases eg. 15 ips tape, vinyl and HDCD/CD/hi-Rez. I wouldn't give you a nickel for the digital version, the vinyl is slightly better and the tape obliterates either of the previous two formats. It's not even close and for the first time, the listener can really hear how great the recording really is. The others sound like junk. The same goes for RR's later efforts that are available on all three formats like Exotic Dances, Chiurch Windows or Nojima Or take say Suryodaya available in native DSD 64-128-256fs DSD or 15 ips tape.
Or like the comparisons you allowed people to make at several shows of (IIRC 64fs DSD) vs. the second gen tape. If it was just the recording, then why were there clearly profound differences between the two formats?
It's the same thing all over again. Less filling vs. tastes great. There are too many things and variables to go wrong in the entire process. As one legendary classical recording engineer once told me, 85% of the sound is the hall.
Frantz, when you are writing, those things are understood. The opinions are always of the writer and don't need clarification. That's why poor writers begin everything with I, I ,I, I... Drove me crazy editing.
We've debated testing before and that's the topic for another thread.