Which Brand Have You Owned for 20 Years?

I'm not much of a box swapper. I've had my Avantgarde Trios for over 20 years and my Verdier Platine for what must be 25 years. Never had the slightest inclination to change them, other than a small wobble when I moved house and wondered how I would accommodate the Trios. Answer, build another music room!

I've had my Tron PX25 amp for over 20 years and its hard to find anything as open sounding. I've had my Tron Nucleus for about 20 years but I don't count that - it has been so heavily modified that practically the only thing original is the case!
I am most intrigued by my limited audition of the AG Trio G3s...I note that you have 2 x RELs instead of the big dual subhorns. Did you ever hear the full set, and do you sense meaningful differences in either sound character, quality or scale/volume? If we ever went AG Trio G3, certainly for the foreseeable future, space would only allow the main horns plus more traditional dual cone subs.
I am most intrigued by my limited audition of the AG Trio G3s...I note that you have 2 x RELs instead of the big dual subhorns. Did you ever hear the full set, and do you sense meaningful differences in either sound character, quality or scale/volume? If we ever went AG Trio G3, certainly for the foreseeable future, space would only allow the main horns plus more traditional dual cone subs.
I have heard the full set and happy to provide a perspective. Can I suggest you PM me rather than us derailing this thread?
Continuous ownership:

Quad ESLs 30 years- they keep every other speaker I listen to honest for midrange accuracy- they are always on hand
ARC SP-8 - I owned this continuously for 30+ years - sadly gone now
ARC SP-3 a-1 25 years- ok so I am nostalgic
Counterpoint SA-2 tube pre- pre amplifier for phono- 30+ years- wish I kept it
Oracle Delphi- probably closer to 40 years upgraded along the way its been gone for a while
Marantz Consolettes mono pre-amps, Model 5, Model 7 Model 2 - 30 + years I can't let go of these they are jewelry and sound intoxicating.
Aesthetix Io - now Eclipse 20 + years
Futterman H3 - 35 + years rare and magic with the ESLs
Wyetech Topaz 211- The 18 w / ch SET- 20+ years the only SET that sounds right that I have heard and has some balz -its a beast

And if anybody asks, I literally seriously started with my paper route money in this hobby when I was 15 years old - so I am simply middle aged now not old :)
Audio Research amp and pre since 1994.
Benchmark DACs since 1999. Still have my DAC2 HGC as backup in the upstairs system.
Magnepans for over 20 years before I bought my Alexia 2 loudspeakers.
Atma-Sphere- 47 years
Classic Audio Loudspeakers 27 years
Ampex 351-2 tape machine 32 years
Otari A-80 tape machine 27 years
Scully mastering lathe with Westerex 3d cutter head and 1700 mastering electronics 32 years
Grado cartridges 40 years
Neumann U67 microphones 44 years
Sound Anchors equipment stand 32 years
UltraResolution Technologies anti-vibration platforms 31 years

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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