Let's go back to the article:
"During the process, he [Ludwig] especially tried to preserve as much as possible of the deep low end of the band's sound, which he believed was critical to its music.
But when he heard the final LP that was released, he was stunned. "All the low, extreme low bass that I knew was there, was chopped right off."
Please explain how this loss of low bass made the sound more like the live event.
""The vinyl disc is a steadily collapsing medium," says Ludwig, who went on to become a Grammy-winning mastering engineer, with credits on Patti Smith's Horses, Steely Dan's Gaucho and White's Lazaretto, among many others. "The closer it gets to the label, the more the information is getting compromised, the high frequencies getting lost."
Please explain how the progressive loss of high frequencies as you get closer to the inner circle of the LP makes the sound more like live event.
"Clearmountain, who now works out of Mix This! in Pacific Palisades, says that when he heard the vinyl test pressings of the albums he'd worked on in the studio, he always felt the same way: depressed.
"I'd just listen and go: 'Jesus, after all that work, that's all I get?' It was sort of a percentage of what we did in the studio," he says. "All that work and trying to make everything sound so good, and the vinyl just wasn't as good.""
Please explain how this loss of musical information leads one to think they are more hearing the live event.
Conversely, please explain why, when the CD preserves all of this information without loss, is more removed from live event.
You won't be able able to answer because your are hunting in the wrong forrest. You think LP sounds more real because it has a different mix. And your ears like that different mix better than CD and at the same time, are not bothered by the much increased distortion levels. That is the likely explanation and not some mysterious fault of CD. Or philosophical difference.
The difference between me and you is that I do hear those distortions. And those distortions are hugely troubling for me and take me completely out of the experience. Forget about anything sounding like a live event when the needle sounds like it is dragging through sand.
To the extend a recording is a subset of a live event, no logical explanation of degrading the recording more can lead us close to the live event. It just can't.