Very interesting facts and reading, but the article is chaotic and spreads a lot of confusion.
Most of all, it fails to understand that the objective of sound reproduction is to get the preference of listeners. If a format is perfect, the industry should use it to get the preferences of the end users, not just to please the engineers or the producers. IMHO the industry was given a format that it does not master, as it is intrinsically based in very complicated mathematics and advanced signal processing, and are using it empirically. DAC designers are still perfecting their designs, but the professionals from the other side must understand and foresee the consequences of their decisions during recording and mastering in terms of playback in existing equipment and systems, not in ideal sound reproducing systems.
"It really does come down to the preference of the end user." , Yes it is true, we should consider it sounds better when the users prefer it in their systems!
BTW, although in my current system I prefer digital for very complex symphonic music, unfortunately for chamber music vinyl or jazz is almost every time an easy winner.