Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion

depends on the music and SPL's. small rooms well set up can handle tip top gear with reduced large music expectations. small rooms can be SOTA with small music. but those small rooms get exposed the more you push them. horses for courses.

i had a small room with top gear and got top intimate sound, but it was limiting to try to get that level of performance with larger music.

sure, there are particular weird sounding small rooms.
Funny, I just read this after my reply. Great minds.. :)
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It is not an exaggeration. Spend several hours watching an expert work. Listen/ hear for yourself. Some people don’t believe it because no matter how much they spend the “experts” probably aren’t experts. Yes it’s true that larger rooms are not as subject to low frequency issues so you can “ push the horses” but that’s only one aspect of it. Each and every millimeter counts. The goal is to remove the room asap from the equation. It starts with locking in one speaker. There is no set 25% this 38% that equilateral the other.
Riddle me this ?
How come the M9 didn't make it to RH? Could it be something.... I dont know .......maybe.......political. Don't want to be a conspiracy theorist I leave that to Caesar but its ::::::::::::::::very interesting:::::::::::
Hi Elliot,
Not sure what conspiracy theories you are talking about. But I do agree with you that transparency in this industry would be nice. Lack of information makes people speculate, as you are doing... Specifically, why is "Worthless to the Audio Fans and Malignant to the Hobby " Harley holding on the Wilsons for so long? Did it have anything to do - directly or indirectly - with a recent executive at the Analytical Sound who was a real wilson fan boy. Trying to please the boss? Sign a contract with Wilson? .... would be good to know the truth...

Also, why hasn't Malignant Harley compared the wilsons compared them to the alsyvoxes, rockports, and whatever else he reviewed? (will get too nauseated to look up his reviews)
It is not an exaggeration. Spend several hours watching an expert work. Listen/ hear for yourself. Some people don’t believe it because no matter how much they spend the “experts” probably aren’t experts. Yes it’s true that larger rooms are not as subject to low frequency issues so you can “ push the horses” but that’s only one aspect of it. Each and every millimeter counts. The goal is to remove the room asap from the equation. It starts with locking in one speaker. There is no set 25% this 38% that equilateral the other.
Anyone who thinks they've removed their room is fooling themselves. You work within your room to launch the sound waves as constructively as possible while minimizing the negative ramifications.

Also, I've heard rooms before and after experts' efforts. Some were better, some worse, mostly different. If you have the patience you can do as good if not better because you have the advantage of time. And you can tweak as needed as you change equipment, especially speakers. All the information is out there (Get Better Sound, Sound Reproduction, videos, forums like this one, etc.). And if you are moderately technical, REW is free and is an invaluable tool to help guide you.

As always, Happy Listening!
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