Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion

Another note on Wilson: at a recent axpona, they had wilson alexx with d'agostino relentless in a Million dollar system.

It was very painful for someone who hates hi-fi sound, but I forced myself to stay in the room for a number of songs, just watching the crowd: Not a single person was transfixed by that system! No one's jaw was dropped. And no one was in the flow.

People would walk in, listen to a song or two, and walk out. Most walked past that million dollar system like they would walk past the toilet paper aisle at Costco. But I am sure many "audio journalists" gave that system the Best of Show award.
Was not the case at this the most recent one. The Quintessence Room at this Axpona with the Alexx V was in my opinion by far the best sound at the show. It had everything: resolution, dynamics, soundstage, and excellent bass. It was so musical!

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