I know you feel compelled to insert yourself in every thread Marc, but why make it personal?David, you're missing the point.
Shit, fake, destructive, poo poo on a stick, way WAY the wrong side of acceptable.
Anyone talking the same way would have been banned before they could even leave a second derogatory post.
This is not a free speech issue, it's a common courtesy one.
I get your schtick, Daiza is poo, Entreq is a scam, rip it out of Christian's setup, my pricey power cord on tt psu is a total waste, active isolation under a tt is an abomination (sorry if I've misquoted you, but you are hyperbolic yself). You are a free speech warrior, and the high end needs a cutting opinion or three.
However, you just sound bitter, and any public service you think you're providing warning us off foo comes across as self satisfied and brutal for the sake of it.
My 2 cents/1.5 pence.