Melco S100 has a SFP socket. From the router I have Ethernet cable and just before the S100 I have an ADOT converter. My S100 is modified by Pink Faun.
i see you have OePhi loudspeaker cables. I just got two new power cord the Reference. I like them and I have now three of them. Which one of the loudspeaker cable do you have and how does they sound. I have a project of giving their Reference a home try so your opinion would be appreciated.
I wasn't looking at £2,000 audiophile switches, I was looking at commercial products and virtually every one I looked at is either mains voltage or at least 50v due to having PoE capability. A local dealer carries that switch, he'd probably bring one round, but I wouldn't have space for it as my networking is in a narrow slice of wall about 4'x4', and it contains a QNAP, UPS, modem, switch and media library - as shown.
I did also look at the SoTM when I was looking at a new streamer, but it ended up being a crazy 5-box system just for streaming and the switch was most of the cost. The dealer (the UK SoTM distributor) admitted that it was a real negative for the brand and they'd tried to talk SoTM into making more unified products, to no avail. I got an Innuos Pulsar, from the same dealer.
The switch I bought is probably just as good as good as the Melco or SoTM, just no SFP. I will either use my existing media converter or there is a direct CAT6a cable already in place.
With regard to OePhi, I needed to offload a Shunyata Hydra conditioner and some Shunyata cables. I've recently rebuilt and rewired the house and have good power to the hifi, a 100A line dedicated to audio with 0.18ohm line impedance. The Shunyata was overkill and the cables far too long and rigid. So I found a reasonably local dealer who did a deal to take the Shunyata off my hands, supply me with a Puritan PM156 (half the size of the Hydra) and Ultimate cables (floppy, take no space). My brilliant Towshend Isolda cables were too short due to the rebuild. Rather than buy a longer pair, this dealer talked me into the OePhi cables. Alan Sircom also had something to do with it. So did Joachim Juhl, who I spoke to a few times and gave a good vibe. Apparently they are OK for unequal lengths (low inductance?), which also suited me. I think they are one below Reference, their names are silly and instantly forgettable. The dealer said that would make the deal work. I wasn't aiming that high. I usually do home loans, this was just an irrational punt.
I don't get excited about cables. Not many people in the UK do. Townshend Isolda were recommended to me 10+ years ago by a chap called Jimmy Hughes, some may have heard of him, he's used them for 25 years. I know him outside of audio and he's advised me on a few things. My idea about speaker cables is that there's no such thing as a good cable, just less bad ones. All that I require is transparency, not to get in the way. The Isolda just never got in the way. The OePhi have faced a sterner test, because my Pulsar/Holo May combination offers serious air and resolution and the whole system delivers. Having built a new music room that has excellent acoustics and a lot of potential, the OePhi cables really don't get in the way at all. I've noticed some recordings have exceptional space and depth to them. So it was a punt that I don't regret.
I heard some exceptional singing and playing last night (Handel
L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato / Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque at St Martin-in-the-Fields), in particular by the amazing Hilary Cronin, who in the last 18 months has just gone stratospheric. She's on a new recording of Dido & Aeneas, I think I'l give it a blast now to see how it measures up and maybe the Handel on a new Les Arts Florissants recording.