Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

Well, comparisons also need to be made in the same room, or you are not really comparing.

This is very incorrect if you use badly set up systems or rooms as a data point. It is very easy to get digital to sound better than analog (by using poor records and/or poor vinyl set up). There are a lot of people using vintage speakers like they were in clubs, with Crown amps or 300w SS, sounding horrible.
This is very incorrect if you use badly set up systems or rooms as a data point. It is very easy to get digital to sound better than analog (by using poor records and/or poor vinyl set up). There are a lot of people using vintage speakers like they were in clubs, with Crown amps or 300w SS, sounding horrible.

Yes, but this discussion is about Rex comparing his vinyl in an old room with his digital in his new room and reaching a conclusion about digital being as good or better than vinyl. A leap in my opinion. Your scenario, though true, is not what we are talking about here, unless you concluded that Rex's vinyl was poorly set up at the old place.
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Yes, but this discussion is about Rex comparing his vinyl in an old room with his digital in his new room and reaching a conclusion about digital being as good or better than vinyl. A leap in my opinion. Your scenario, though true, is not what we are talking about here, unless you concluded that Rex's vinyl was poorly set up at the old place.

Of course it is.
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i believe J.R. Boisclair set up Rex's vinyl a few months prior to him moving, in his old room.

you might not like it, but i'm giving the set-up quality the benefit of the doubt.
Did he also set up Ron's room and vinyl ?
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i believe J.R. Boisclair set up Rex's vinyl a few months prior to him moving, in his old room.

you might not like it, but i'm giving the set-up quality the benefit of the doubt.

I think I remember reading about that too, but I don’t have the impression that Rex was ever that enthusiastic about the way it sounded. If he was, wouldn’t that suggest that he would want to set it up in his new place?
Did he also set up Ron's room and vinyl ?

Yes, I think so and he did do work on the set up with measurements. I can’t remember who was responsible for putting the woofer towers on the inside of the Gryphon panels. I always wanted to hear a vinyl versus tape video comparison of Ron’s system with the same song.
Did he also set up Ron's room and vinyl ?
cartridge set-up: yes

room set-up: no

upper side-wall absorption panel suggestion: yes
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Yes, I think so and he did do work on the set up with measurements.
cartridge set-up: yes

room set-up: no

upper side-wall absorption panel suggestion: yes
Yes, I think so and he did do work on the set up with measurements. I can’t remember who was responsible for putting the woofer towers on the inside of the Gryphon panels. I always wanted to hear a vinyl versus tape video comparison of Ron’s system with the same song.
Ron has shown little enthusiasm about his vinyl lately, maybe it is just perfect, nothing to talk about :)
This is very incorrect if you use badly set up systems or rooms as a data point. It is very easy to get digital to sound better than analog (by using poor records and/or poor vinyl set up). There are a lot of people using vintage speakers like they were in clubs, with Crown amps or 300w SS, sounding horrible.
Yes, but this discussion is about Rex comparing his vinyl in an old room with his digital in his new room and reaching a conclusion about digital being as good or better than vinyl. A leap in my opinion. Your scenario, though true, is not what we are talking about here, unless you concluded that Rex's vinyl was poorly set up at the old place.
Of course it is.
the point was an inference (doubled down by Ked) of poor vinyl set-up.

unlikely occurrence in this case.
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From what I can tell, JR sets VTA by measurement, not by listening. I wonder if Rex enjoyed the results of that set up.
not spoken to Rex about it. and i've not gone through the set-up process with J.R. myself, although he did visit me when he was up here in the Seattle area and it was fun to hang with him. i would be surprised if J.R. did not listen as part of his process. he listened attentively to my system (but never touched anything).

i did just this week buy his Wally Tractor and have the Wally Skater tool here to try too. i tried to buy a Mint LP Protractor (my long time go to for my Durand arms) for my Primary Control FCL, but it seems that Mint Lp is no longer in business. so since J.R. had visited me i figured i would go that direction.
not spoken to Rex about it. and i've not gone through the set-up process with J.R. myself, although he did visit me when he was up here in the Seattle area and it was fun to hang with him. i would be surprised if J.R. did not listen as part of his process. he listened attentively to my system (but never touched anything).

i did just this week buy his Wally Tractor and have the Wally Skater tool here to try too. i tried to buy a Mint LP Protractor (my long time go to for my Durand arms) for my Primary Control FCL, but it seems that Mint Lp is no longer in business. so since J.R. had visited me i figured i would go that direction.

Mike, I did not say J. R. does not listen as part of his process. I wrote that from what I can tell, he uses measurements to set VTA. That is but one parameter of many. I have not witnessed his process either, but I have watched videos and read some of his posts. By angle is one approach, by listening is another. Perhaps Ron or Rex can describe how J. R. set the VTA for their arms.
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Lots of peoples digital sounds better than their vinyl. The defaul response is, put more effort and resources into the vinyl. Then the vinyl sounds better. And the default reaponse is put more effort and reaources into digital. Then the digital sounds better than the vinyl. Its just a game of ping pong. The dealers love it!!!!!!!.
Really, any WBF members? (who are not promoting digital gear or gear that improves digital playback)
Really, any WBF members? (who are not promoting digital gear or gear that improves digital playback)
There is always Al ! :p
i believe J.R. Boisclair set up Rex's vinyl a few months prior to him moving, in his old room.

you might not like it, but i'm giving the set-up quality the benefit of the doubt.

he set up the cart. That has nothing to do with the use of records, the matching of the gear, and how the records show through the system. JR did not set up that. JR and Dohmann both set up Ron's too, and he is not using it currently for a few months. So, very different things on what set up means.

E.g., if you have a badly matched amplifier on your speaker, no amount of speaker positioning is "set up".
Mike, I did not say J. R. does not listen as part of his process. I wrote that from what I can tell, he uses measurements to set VTA. That is but one parameter of many.
reading this post from J.R. about the consequences of changing VTA by raising/lowering the tone arm the mind boggles.
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he set up the cart. That has nothing to do with the use of records, the matching of the gear, and how the records show through the system. JR did not set up that. JR and Dohmann both set up Ron's too, and he is not using it currently for a few months. So, very different things on what set up means.

E.g., if you have a badly matched amplifier on your speaker, no amount of speaker positioning is "set up".
i made no comment about any of those other things. you made a general comment, Peter got specific, you waved your hand and dismissed that too, now you go general again.....sure the cartridge was set up but everything else is wrong. :p

ok. you made your point.

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