I think your right but wrong. Did you tell us who this big time influencer is. I don't think you did, and it doesn’t really matter, but I bet said person is posting and looking to have their content generated them income. And if that means being paid to put guest on, so be it.
And I really don't care how you get paid. Pumping a product for money on your channel. I don't see it as dishonest. Like others have said. There are stars out there every day on TV saying I love Pepsi. I love Nike. So what. I doubt any of them care about the product.
A YouTube story, article iin a mag, they are only a singular data point. When I get interested in something, I look all over. Call me jaded. I really put no stock into who is telling me what, publicly. Not unless I know them personally. Like I listen to Ralph. I listen to Aleainbow. When these people post publicly, I give their content more weight.
When I talk to people privatly with whom I have a personal relationship, I give it a lot of weight. If they were to lie to my face because they were a brand ambasitor, I would be upset.
An online influencers opinion. Who cares. I know they are there earning a living. Even Fremer. His online stuff. I give it no weight. When I call him in person and ask about a phono stage, I give that a lot of weight. I bought what he confirmed was a high value, solid perdormer and fit my budget.