Yes, using HQPlayer you need to have a very powerful PC or Mac as your source in order to reach those dramatic bit rates. There is the issue of the cleanliness of the PC environment for audio, and it is expensive and very tweaky to ameliorate. A Zenith is not powerful enough to upscale anywhere close to the highest bit rates these guys are talking about. Innuos's philosophy is be as simple as possible and to use the least amount of CPU and power as possible to enhance sound quality.
You either like what upsampling does to music or you don't. I have worked in the area in the past, but I've never found a satisfactory 100% improvement, it always comes with some negatives. I did play with an HQPlayer PC a year ago, while I didn't get to the highest sample rates, it was not rewarding enough to invest the extra thousands of resources and hundreds of hours to pursue.
But you can buy tracks that have been upsampled with their very top process and compare to the originals. I did this recently and it was not for me. The results were smoother, more liquid, deeper bass, more crystalline highs. But the cost was loss of fine detail in vocal, less acoustic quality to instruments, less natural ambience, less dynamic jump overall to the sound. So like I said, it either works for your priorities or doesn't.
If you want to compare, you might want to check some NativeDSD releases. I upgraded to their Plus plan recently. This allows you to buy the highest resolution track, and download all other sample rates as well. So by buying the DSD512 version which is upsampled in the professional version of HQPlayer, you can also download the non-upsampled version to compare. There are other albums out there. Also the following album is fantastic and state of the art sonically.
Nagra 70th Anniversary Collection