Hi Ralph,As far as grounding is concerned, we implemented the same design concept on the L10 as the L1. Rather than the jumper that was present on the L1 we now have a switch that ties signal ground to earth ground on the L10. In an all CH Precision system I recommend engaging the switch on the L10 (to connect signal ground to earth ground) or placing the L1 jumper in the black/yellow position. All other CH Precision components should be black/black or jumper removed (1-series) or switch open on M10s. In my system this provided the quietest background that let even more details in the recording come through.
thanks for the info regarding the grounding jumper. May I ask what are the recommended connections with an external ground box like the Active Ground Block from Synergistic?
Should I connect only the L1/L10 where the switch is engaged / jumper in black/yellow?
Or should be every CH device like C1, X1 be connected to the ground box?
And should the ground connection be with the black or yellow position?