as i've said before, my speaker designer did spend 2 days in my room back a few years with his tech toys. then later, after some room changes, i made some considerable adjustments by ear. that was 2016. no changes to the room acoustics or speakers since then.
please visit me and point out where you hear an issue. take your time. push things. then show me a room that uses dsp that i can go hear that sounds better.
i'm not religious about dsp one way or the other. i could see in some situations i would likely use it. my home theater, with 9.3.6 Dolby Atmos speaker set-up, uses the ultimate dsp tool, the Trinnov Altitude 16. in my 2-channel room, the bass tower class d amps (under 40hz only) use a digital slope.....but analog adjustments. dsp is merely a tool, and should be used when it is the best 'net' solution. there is a dsp price to pay in signal path purity. even my digital would be hamstrung by it.
music reproduction systems are complicated things and there are almost an infinite number of variables, so dsp or not is just a piece. a piece i stay as far away from as i can for my 2 channel. if i were to harness my signal path with dsp it would 'dumb down' my degree of musical involvement IMHO.