Or maybe he decided to go all digital, had enough
I had the same feeling as you Kedar...
Or maybe he decided to go all digital, had enough
Well, Mike acquiring the preeminent digital in MSB Select 2 has culminated in him doubling his tts ownership.
If the previous Saskia owner got rid of it to go fully digital, that's not a great advert for the Saskia.
Well, Mike acquiring the preeminent digital in MSB Select 2 has culminated in him doubling his tts ownership.
If the previous Saskia owner got rid of it to go fully digital, that's not a great advert for the Saskia.
I find it more interesting that you're not acquiring a new Saskia. I don't think any of yr big ticket purchases have ever not been new. Allied to my never being able to nail contact when I was in a position myself to buy new.unlikely scenario based on the little i know about the situation. we should be careful not too speculate too much about why someone sells something without some idea about it. and i'm not picking on you when i say that. it's the nature of forums to do that. and that speculation can take on a life of it's own.
I find it more interesting that you're not acquiring a new Saskia. I don't think any of yr big ticket purchases have ever not been new. Allied to my never being able to nail contact when I was in a position myself to buy new.
Sure Mike. I'm sure any positive experiences on Saskia ownership will provoke serious interest in it from potential buyers. It would really be great, even if it's just thru your reports, that we properly get to know this fascinating tt. Is Win in a position at all to take any orders?
If not, I guess we can just vicariously enjoy it thru yr feedback.
. . . Mike acquiring the preeminent digital in MSB Select 2 has culminated in him doubling his tts ownership.
. . .
Ron, the guys on this forum w ways and means will always be adding to their collections. Who can honestly say that running a top class idler and DD isn't living the dream.
But if "culminate" isn't quite the appropriate phrase, certainly Mike's apogee of MSB 3 box/Taiko Extreme as the epitome of the best digital, hasn't dampened his enthusiasm for quality analog, indeed he's looking for more flavours than ever.
Now, he sold one DD, Rockport Sirius, for one that satisfies him more, NVS. And this tt was better than the idlers he did run, Dobbins 301. How the Saskia matches up to the NVS is gonna be of great interest. And whether both coexist, or the new pretender ousts the current king.
Who can honestly say that running a top class idler and DD isn't living the dream.
i could go fricken crazy!!!!
well....er....Master Tang has the 'Fricken crazy' high ground for arms and carts. i pulled back from that years ago, but now stand over the precipice ready to jump in again (although i have in mind nothing close to Tang).Mike, you passed "fricken crazy" a long time ago. Please don't stop now!