A friend own the Shindo Garrard, he replaced it with a the Audiograil Garrard in a BobC plinth, a popular version in the UK. He said the latter was almost the same level as the Shindo for much lower value, the Shindo was marginally better. However his Schopper TD 124 was far superior to the Garrard in every aspect, and to all the other Garrards I have heard. I just don't like Garrards, they lack nuance, they lack decay, they have a hump in the sound that never goes away, and the big sound is just weird. A 401 I heard was much better than 301s. The 301s seem to be more popular with Jazz and rock guys rather than classical. The EMT 927 that Tang has is so much superior to all these, though not all EMTs are the same. HIs only has nuance as an issue. So I will be surprised if the Saskia is not vastly superior to the Shindo.