The NVS has the best motor/platter configuration to potentially benefit from active isolation.
It will be interesting to get Mike’s take on active isolation on the new table. On first glance it’s unlikely to work as well. It may be different and it may be preferable. Only by trying will we know.
agree Dan. a direct drive turntable has to have already figured out how to eliminate any motor resonance from the platter as a basic thing as it's attached to it directly. it should not be away from the platter attached in some way where it could cause resonance more into the plinth or feet. so no doubt the direct drive turntables would least likely have a problem with active, the NVS with it's raised motor/platter assembly particularly well suited to this issue.
and also agree that the Saskia is more likely not to work, based on the motor being attached to the lower plinth......which was why i handicapped the likelihood of success at 33%.