I do not think it is overkill. I am considering that myself.
Herzan's website says that placing the Herzan directly on the floor is ideal.
Herzan's website says that placing the Herzan directly on the floor is ideal.
Does this active device work well if placed on the floor directly? Is power amp on the active device overkill?
Floor is great. I would love to try it under my amps but that would require 2 units for a total of $27,000. Maybe someday.
As crazy as it sounds to putt this level of isolation under SS amps, I must say, my Pass XA160.5 do indeed benefit from being placed on Vibraplanes. There should be positive results from a Herzan also. I have wondered about replacing the small rubber feet of my amps with spikes or some other energy draining devices and then on a heavy steel platform to absorb that energy. Then placing all of it on top of an isolation device like a Vibraplane or Herzan. But, the amps were voiced with the rubber feet, so I have not experimented with this.
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As crazy as it sounds to putt this level of isolation under SS amps, I must say, my Pass XA160.5 do indeed benefit from being placed on Vibraplanes.
IME leave the feet alone Peter, for a real shot in the arm try a vibraplane or herzan under you phono stage !
This is a mysterious effect I have also been observing--SS amps do benefit from a proper vibration control! No clear idea why,
but I have two little theories why so: a reasonable and a crazy.
The reasonable is that big caps in the ps are sensitive. The crazy one is the piezoelectric effect in vibrating semiconductors.
Rubber feet - what if you try some well damped harder material, maybe teflon?
Interesting. I have seen electronics supported by wooden blocks as feet. My thinking is that the internal vibrations inside the amps should be drained down and absorbed by the massive 136 lb steel ballast plate above the Vibraplane. The Vibraplane is another 150 lbs of steel, so together, that is a lot of mass into which those vibrations can be absorbed.
my misunderstandingThe control unit is the phono (the entire amplification) stage -- all in one box except for the outboard mono power supplies.
Thank you Stacore,Dear Halcro,
Congratulations on your vibration control success and welcome to the club of vibration-free listeners
One thing to consider Ron is that high end rack's like Steve's and some others also bring a lot to the mix, I wouldn't discount them in favor of an active platforms. Audio electronics have nothing in common with microscopes there's a lot of conjecture about isolation from very low level frequencies as if it's a common daily occurrence in everyone's listening rooms. If that was true none of us would be able to stand listening for long, lots of studies out there on the side effects of low frequencies on human anatomy and levels of discomfort that it creates. AFAIK there are no measurements or scientific analysis offered showing what aspect of an active isolation platform benefits electronics and sound. Maybe it's just the additional stiffness it offers over a basic platform that's doing it, in that case the effect is reproducible with passive solutions too. Resonance & internal mechanical energy have also been mentioned, no reason why they can't be effectively dealt with by passive designs. I've heard very similar sonic improvements from both active & good passive products, don't jump to conclusions without trying YMMV from someone else's .
I just clicked on your moniker Stacore and went straight to your Website.
Great stuff... but the weight, even of your 'Basic' table at 62Kg is almost double that of the Herzan TS-140
Yet their stand is filled with piezo-electric activators and yours is filled with......air?
Will you be at Munich this year as I'll be hopefully going....?
The control unit is the phono (the entire amplification) stage -- all in one box except for the outboard mono power supplies.