i have a set of pristine EA MicroOne's in my hallway outside my room. were owned by my now deceased brother in law. back a few years, i set EA MicroOne's up at a couple of shows for the manufacturer. remarkable speaker value. they do more right than many much more expensive speakers. i'm sure they do great for you.
it would be fun for me to demonstrate to you how the MM7 level of Evolution Acoustics can do rendering a realistic Double Bass or Cello. my favorite music to listen to is string quartet vinyl. prior to owning Evolutions i owned, among others, Kharma Exquisite 1D's. they could do justice to great recordings too. but not on the scale of the MM7's. my room is 21' x 29' x 11'. and it can scale. yet intimate music stays intimate. soundstage and instrument size depends on the recording, in my room it's not everything big or small. the room is big enough that any size can be created. there are a number of very life like recordings where the realism pushes the suspension of disbelief with the MM7's.
my very strong opinion is that when you get to the MM7----XVX----big Gobel level of speakers (there are other suspects for sure)............the room, the system, the set-up and sweat equity put into system tuning, are much larger factors than which speaker you choose. you hear the vision of the person behind the room. and some large speakers are almost prohibitively challenging to set up. you buy the guy who sells it to you as much as the speaker. unless you know how to do it yourself. or are willing to take a decade or so to learn how to do it.
not sure how you heard the XVX's. at a show? at a dealer? at a friends?
i've only heard them one time so far, early on a Friday at Axpona a couple of years ago, with D'Ag electronics and on that day at that hour they were a mess. so i dismissed any sort of judgement about that system. got caught up in other rooms and never made it back to that room. they likely sorted it out somehow later i would expect. enough people are impressed that there has to be quality.
not sure where you live, but if you are ever in the Seattle area you are welcome to hear my MM7's.