Christian, I just pasted my impressions under the photo in the post above.
Glad you like them.
Christian, I just pasted my impressions under the photo in the post above.
Thanks for the report. These sorts of experiments bring interest to our hobby. I'm not familiar with the Vibraplane; does it require a minimum weight to operate? Is the 136 lb steel ballast plate part of that unit or otherwise (apart from weight and a flat surface) how does it function with the Vibraplane?
Thanks for the follow-up on the Vibraplane and using it with a ballast plate. Configuring a system on a wood floor is challenge I've not faced. Seems you have a fairly unique approach with two different technologies that are working together. Doesn't always happen (as you found with Stillpoints and your speakers) so it is fun when the experimenting bears fruit. I've gone through enough infrastructure changes myself that, although the idea that sonics can improve is kind of old hat, it is still a delight to experience the reality of improvement. When you return the Stillpoints to your friend do you think your memory of their effect will lead you to acquire your own?
I placed 3 Ultra SS under each of my MIT Oracle MA-X SHD speaker interface network boxes this afternoon. I'm amazed! What was great has been improved substantially. Clarity, bass, soundstage, especially clarity. Seems a little harsh now when I pull them out. Incredible!
now you are going to make me interested in unplugging my Odin and putting the MIT back in with
I thought you were using Ultra 5's under the boxes ?
I placed 3 Ultra SS under each of my MIT Oracle MA-X SHD speaker interface network boxes this afternoon. I'm amazed! What was great has been improved substantially. Clarity, bass, soundstage, especially clarity. Seems a little harsh now when I pull them out. Incredible!
What?? You have MIT cables? I'm surprised. I thought for sure with all that high end Pass, Playback Designs and Shunyata gear you'd have Transparent or Shunyata.
(I'm just kidding!)
I have now had Stillpoints new apertures in my system for about a week. I went from no room treatments to 4 of these panels. Fortunately 3 "hide" behind each of the 3 speakers in our living room and the 4th is in front of the flat screen.
I can finally enjoy massed strings on orchestral scale as much from an audiophile perspective as purely a music lover. I can "chew" on the massed strings with its varied nuances and detail, the varied pressure of the strings, and the individual instruments creating a textured sounds. That for me has been very very hard for any system to do well. The apertures don't "do" that to my system...but rather seem to allow the system (which is already doing it) finally present this to me without the hardness and congealing of the strings that apparently comes from the room...namely the walls behind the speakers. Wonderful work once again Stillpoints. Thank you!
Wow, sounds like a pretty dramatic improvement. Contrats! However, you now owe us a photo.
Another test is 'dark metal' or gothic metal like Evanescence...the strings and keyboard all can sometimes blend into one tiresome screech...but with this setup, electronic guitar, voices straining and keys all are different, nuanced, even organic...quite a cool element to music that can sound somewhat lean and stringy.
Another test is Linkin Park...great music (imho). Cranked, it can and will harden...that's the system hardening of course. But with the Stillpoints Apertures, the room does not overload as easily (a scary thing )...and as a result of the Apertures this morning, cranked Dark Side of the Moon and Linkin Park far beyond the 'old limit', and the guitars at full tilt 'growl' naturally all the way thru rather than harden. Effortless was the first thought that came to mind when cranking DSOTM this morning. A lot of fun, and certainly confirms for me how important a treated room is...and this for me is just one step in most likely many steps...although those will have to wait til dedicated room.
Hi Peter,Lloyd, Do you find with these recent changes to isolation and room treatment that you might benefit from slight changes to speaker placement or tilt/shift in the Wilson upper modules? It sounds as though improvements are generally in terms of increased clarity rather than shifts in tonal balance, so perhaps nothing needs to change with speaker positions.
Thanks orb! I never heard of these guys? Which one should I try? Toxicity?Linkin Park!!!!!!!
Bah System of A Down far better
Ok more so their older material.
And OK I really like Linkin Park myself
Thanks orb! I never heard of these guys? Which one should I try? Toxicity?
Hi Peter,
I am totally cool with the tonal qualities...more than cool. I am always maintaining it no matter what tweaks I add. That is a must for me.
I am down to Speakers and speaker cables to hit my personal ultimate dream system. And happy to take my time...
In my opinion, you have identified two of the essential aspects of this hobby: prioritizing tone and taking one's time. I've been enjoying keeping up with your progress. Congratulations...