That's an interesting point Christian. When the dealer does the set-up, he or she ( are there any ladies who do this, I doubt it, LOL), will be setting up your speakers based on their taste in music and sound, which may or may NOT correspond to yours.
I have found that many dealer's do listen for the same things as I do, BUT at least as many do not...which leads me to question a little how valuable the initial dealer set-up of your speaker system could be. Personally, I would much rather do this myself as I know exactly what sound I am trying to achieve....and more importantly perhaps, where the limitations of my room and ancillary equipment lie. Not so sure a dealer would be as, shall we say, "accurate" on that point.
Although, I do recognize that for many the "initial" set-up is important and perhaps for them that is all that is needed. Seems like you have taken that "initial" set-up and improved on it.
That's one of the many reasons I feel fortunate...the Wilson person who set them up repeatedly told me he can just about set them up to suit any tastes. And he allowed me several times to sit down and tell him what I liked and what I did not...and he went back to work and kept adjusting til it was perfect. Took him over 10 hours but it is great now.