KR 242, Elrog 300, px4, px25, EML and KR 5u4g, and KR 274b

This is for who uses the Curious cables. Just cut the external copper wire and no power will be transmitted by the cable.
You make us all powered usb-cable users very curious indeed

Bill, can you please enlighten us with your experiences with the unpowered Sablon Audio usb-cable versus the powered usb-cable?

Hi Rudolph,

The difference with no power lines is not subtle at all and worth every penny for the moderate cost outlay. You'll probably think why you had not done it earlier as it is that obvious.

Basically it removes a layer of glare that you wouldn't notice to be there until it is gone. The music sounds simply more at ease and realistic. Instruments sound more natural and balanced. It is a no brainer IMHO.

Every Lampi owner would be insane not to use a non powered USB cable IMHO. It is just one further way of stopping electrical noise entering your dac.
Hi Rudolph,

The difference with no power lines is not subtle at all and worth every penny for the moderate cost outlay. You'll probably think why you had not done it earlier as it is that obvious.

Basically it removes a layer of glare that you wouldn't notice to be there until it is gone. The music sounds simply more at ease and realistic. Instruments sound more natural and balanced. It is a no brainer IMHO.

Every Lampi owner would be insane not to use a non powered USB cable IMHO. It is just one further way of stopping electrical noise entering your dac.

Many thanks Bill! Your answer leaves no room for any doubt. I hope to investigate this (for me new) approach in about 3-4 weeks time when the creator of my usb-cable visits me again. I really hope that the LA system by that time has settled somewhat. The audio rollercoaster that is called 'burning/playing in' is really annoying.
Many thanks Bill! Your answer leaves no room for any doubt. I hope to investigate this (for me new) approach in about 3-4 weeks time when the creator of my usb-cable visits me again. I really hope that the LA system by that time has settled somewhat. The audio rollercoaster that is called 'burning/playing in' is really annoying.

What is settling with the LA system now, Rudolph?
What is settling with the LA system now, Rudolph?

Do not know if I fully understand your question, Bill. In the LA thread I described last Sunday what was done lately with respect to power and grounding. Since then the LA system has been playing for about 60 hours. It surely needs much more time.
The difference with no power lines is not subtle at all and worth every penny for the moderate cost outlay. You'll probably think why you had not done it earlier as it is that obvious.

Basically it removes a layer of glare that you wouldn't notice to be there until it is gone. The music sounds simply more at ease and realistic. Instruments sound more natural and balanced. It is a no brainer IMHO.

Every Lampi owner would be insane not to use a non powered USB cable IMHO. It is just one further way of stopping electrical noise entering your dac.

Totally agree about the positive effects when your DAC is directly connected to the computer (not ideal). Any DAC owner in this configuration should give it a try, preferably in a reversible fashion with their USB cables by putting a thin scotch tape over the +5V and GND pins and first see if the DAC still works, and if so, listen for the changes in SQ. First though, I would ask the DAC manufacturer what he thinks of this. If he says it's OK to try, go ahead.

My DAC for instance, although it can also self-power with its internal battery, will however not be recognised by the computer if I just disconnect the +5V.

However, I had great results by using a small choke on the power lines, or alternately, disconnecting just the GND.

These disconnections prevent power + GND plane noises of Computer activity from being transmitted over to the USB receiver and/at the DAC or affecting it in some other way (it could be proximity of these noisy lines to the Data ones too).

After you've find out what you can do with your USB cable and the DAC, you can build your own 'disconnected' USB cable, or buy one already built like what you need.

If you do build one, I have seen some folks over at CA add DIP switches so that they can connect and disconnect at will.

The alternative would be to use HQ Player with a small NAA (network attached audio device), then the connection from computer to NAA is done via Ethernet rather than USB, but then you could use another proper USB cable to the DAC, or a hard connector.

I have seen one person tell me a Curious cable sounds better than a hard connector in a direct Computer->DAC connection (I think it was Joao).
Hi Rudolph,

The difference with no power lines is not subtle at all and worth every penny for the moderate cost outlay. You'll probably think why you had not done it earlier as it is that obvious.

Basically it removes a layer of glare that you wouldn't notice to be there until it is gone. The music sounds simply more at ease and realistic. Instruments sound more natural and balanced. It is a no brainer IMHO.

Every Lampi owner would be insane not to use a non powered USB cable IMHO. It is just one further way of stopping electrical noise entering your dac.

Fully agree.
For folks having B7 or GG unpowered usb should be mandatory :)
I use for over one year Jcat reference custom version ( one line only ) , one can order this version with Marcin GPS from Jcat, his is registered at WBF .
Can't wait for Sablon Audio unpowered usb to make a comparison.
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Do not know if I fully understand your question, Bill. In the LA thread I described last Sunday what was done lately with respect to power and grounding. Since then the LA system has been playing for about 60 hours. It surely needs much more time.

Ah sure - I will go and read your LA thread, Rudolph. I am not up with your recent developments.
I have been using a silver USB cable made by Albedo in Poland. It is specifically designed to be used with the GG it does not have a 5v connection - it works very well with the GG.

Albedo HQ is only 8o km from my place , I didn't know about their unpowered usb :)
Bill happened to have one of these cables on loan about a month ago when I took him the SGM / my new unpowered USB cable to swap out for his powered one. He also used to have a Totaldac cable and I suspect has auditioned a number of other designs, hence is a good guy to consult for comparative listening impressions.
this afternoon at work I received the 1.2m Sablon Audio Panatela Reserva 'unpowered' USB cable that Mark had sent me late last week. Mark cautioned it was a brand new cable, so I should wait a couple of days prior to critical listening. not a chance. immediately after dinner I went out to the barn and fired up the system. first I listened to 20 minutes of my normal reference digital with the SE GG and my Totaldac cable, then quickly powered down the GG and server and switched the cable to the Panatela and fired everything back up and stepped back through the same cuts.

after I went through those initial comparative 20 minutes of cuts, I've now spent another hour doing a deeper dive into my normal reference cuts to see if my first gut feel holds.....and it does.

provisional first impressions;

first thing is that the Sablon cable pretty much eliminates the digital glare and upward tilt of the FR. more listenable. more refined. no longer 'in your face'. my previous perception was that these issues were acceptable; but in the context of the Sablon my view now of that has changed.....which a new reference will do. and that is through the SE GG with the Elrog-Tak tubes. the lower registers are more fleshed out, more chest in vocals, leading edge transients still have appropriate bite, but on peaks you don't cringe. seems like improved delicacy and textures......more nuance.

slightly more authority and weight too.

all this with a cold cable that just traveled 6000+ miles in 5 days.

likely over the next days the Sablon will open up more and get more agile.....more refined. right now it's not the last word in openness.....although plenty of space and low noise floor. one thing that typically takes multiple sessions is the degree of energy I hear and how engaging is it? are there trade-offs of detail or texture? right now I like that but I need to spend more time to get my arms around that. I'm traveling Wednesday morning through Friday night. i'll let it cook in until then and see where it's at. maybe put the Totaldac cable back in then.

so far so good. thanks Mark for sending the cable.....appears to be a keeper right now.

how much of what I'm hearing is the 'unpowered' part, and how much is the cable itself?

I did buy one of those dodads Wisnon talked about that 'unpowers' the cable. I can try it with my Totaldac cable and see what that does when it arrives.

added note; now over 2 hours into the listening to the new cable and things are settling in nicely.
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Interesting, Mike. I believe your first impressions concur with the experiences of Bill (and I suppose Ked?). Please keep us informed about how the Sablon usb-cable performs once it is (more or less) played in.

The usb-cable I am currently using with my GG is from the same person who developed the Tidal pc's that I employ in the Tidal LA set up. this usb-cable is superior to all the usb-cables I have heard (and that by a wide margin). Therefore I have asked him to make me an 'unpowered' version of his usb-cable. Hope to receive this version in a couple of weeks.
Interesting, Mike. I believe your first impressions concur with the experiences of Bill (and I suppose Ked?). Please keep us informed about how the Sablon usb-cable performs once it is (more or less) played in.

The usb-cable I am currently using with my GG is from the same person who developed the Tidal pc's that I employ in the Tidal LA set up. this usb-cable is superior to all the usb-cables I have heard (and that by a wide margin). Therefore I have asked him to make me an 'unpowered' version of his usb-cable. Hope to receive this version in a couple of weeks.

Hi I haven't compared the USBs yet. I last compared Totaldac with Audioquest Diamond at Elberoth's sold my AQ and bought the Totaldac USB. I still have to do these compares between Tdac, Sablon, and Albedo.

Maybe when I come to yours if we have time we can compare my Tdac to your USB
As soon as everything has settled you are most welcome Ked. Playing in the Tidal LA set up at the moment but not yet the Genesis set up.
Interesting, Mike. I believe your first impressions concur with the experiences of Bill (and I suppose Ked?). Please keep us informed about how the Sablon usb-cable performs once it is (more or less) played in.

The usb-cable I am currently using with my GG is from the same person who developed the Tidal pc's that I employ in the Tidal LA set up. this usb-cable is superior to all the usb-cables I have heard (and that by a wide margin). Therefore I have asked him to make me an 'unpowered' version of his usb-cable. Hope to receive this version in a couple of weeks.

now this morning after an hour of listening it's at about 12 hours......there is an added touch of's starting to breathe. last night late it did go through a period of congestion for 'awhile' but then smoothed out again.
this afternoon at work I received the 1.2m Sablon Audio Panatela Reserva 'unpowered' USB cable that Mark had sent me late last week. Mark cautioned it was a brand new cable, so I should wait a couple of days prior to critical listening. not a chance. immediately after dinner I went out to the barn and fired up the system. first I listened to 20 minutes of my normal reference digital with the SE GG and my Totaldac cable, then quickly powered down the GG and server and switched the cable to the Panatela and fired everything back up and stepped back through the same cuts.

after I went through those initial comparative 20 minutes of cuts, I've now spent another hour doing a deeper dive into my normal reference cuts to see if my first gut feel holds.....and it does.

provisional first impressions;

first thing is that the Sablon cable pretty much eliminates the digital glare and upward tilt of the FR. more listenable. more refined. no longer 'in your face'. my previous perception was that these issues were acceptable; but in the context of the Sablon my view now of that has changed.....which a new reference will do. and that is through the SE GG with the Elrog-Tak tubes. the lower registers are more fleshed out, more chest in vocals, leading edge transients still have appropriate bite, but on peaks you don't cringe. seems like improved delicacy and textures......more nuance.

slightly more authority and weight too.

all this with a cold cable that just traveled 6000+ miles in 5 days.

likely over the next days the Sablon will open up more and get more agile.....more refined. right now it's not the last word in openness.....although plenty of space and low noise floor. one thing that typically takes multiple sessions is the degree of energy I hear and how engaging is it? are there trade-offs of detail or texture? right now I like that but I need to spend more time to get my arms around that. I'm traveling Wednesday morning through Friday night. i'll let it cook in until then and see where it's at. maybe put the Totaldac cable back in then.

so far so good. thanks Mark for sending the cable.....appears to be a keeper right now.

how much of what I'm hearing is the 'unpowered' part, and how much is the cable itself?

I did buy one of those dodads Wisnon talked about that 'unpowers' the cable. I can try it with my Totaldac cable and see what that does when it arrives.

added note; now over 2 hours into the listening to the new cable and things are settling in nicely.

That is great, Mike. Your comments mirror mine very closely tbh. I couldn't go back to my Totaldac cable now - I found it quite a step down in resolution, dynamics, speed, and natural ease.

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