Lampizator announcement: launch of our all new TOTL HORIZON DAC

Well, Lampi switches their TOTL from DHT to pentode and coincidentally KR seems to be on hold for some time now with production of DHTs. I know, covid, supply chain etc. but still some might wonder….

Like I said, Ron expressing interest in a GG2 after this weekend is reassuring. :)
all the lines are still being produced and no plans to end any line, though extraneous models may be pared.
I have heard my Pacific with a lesser server. It just isn’t the same DAC without the Extreme.

youre comparing apples and oranges and I remain in disagreement. Simply put you haven’t heard the Horizon in any way shape or fashion. Why don’t we agree to wait until you get yours and then let’s circle back and talk. The Horizon was not based around the a Extreme but yes the Extreme creates a large uptick. My point is I had lengthy talks with Lukasz about this very point and he remains steadfast that the Horizon reproduces digital music more realistically than any other DAC in the market today. I would suggest that those who attended my weekend open house would also agree that the Horizon is a breed unto itself. In Lukasz presentation to everyone on Saturday his description of the use of 2 different tube types to work as one creates in essence a new tube called an octet. There is nothing that does this even close to the Horizon. Then to pair the Horizon with the Extreme updated to the new OS literally will bring you to a speechless state because you will never hear digital as good as this as imho
Since I dod not take any notes certain things are left out.
If you go sans preamp there is no remote iirc.
pretty sure the horizon has a remote just like the pac. Every Horizon has the Vol Ctl function as standard, just like Bal is standard.
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youre comparing apples and oranges and I remain in disagreement. Simply put you haven’t heard the Horizon in any way shape or fashion. Why don’t we agree to wait until you get yours and then let’s circle back and talk. The Horizon was not based around the a Extreme but yes the Extreme creates a large uptick. My point is I had lengthy talks with Lukasz about this very point and he remains steadfast that the Horizon reproduces digital music more realistically than any other DAC in the market today. I would suggest that those who attended my weekend open house would also agree that the Horizon is a breed unto itself. In Lukasz presentation to everyone on Saturday his description of the use of 2 different tube types to work as one creates in essence a new tube called an octet. There is nothing that does this even close to the Horizon. Then to pair the Horizon with the Extreme updated to the new OS literally will bring you to a speechless state because you will never hear digital as good as this as imho
Wow, bold auspicious and unambiguous. I would expect no less from a fellow Williams.
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For me personally, an Ed Meitner versus Lucasz "bring your best" contest would have been more interesting.

It's a bit like reading reviews on any review website. What you are reading isn't your opinion. It is someone else's.

I think the key brilliant factor of tube designs is they let the buyer play a part in deciding what they like and Lucasz has done OK playing on that fact.

I personally think there are much better electronic engineers out there. My experience of having mods done on top of Lucasz's stuff has given, to be quite frank, superior results at minimal cost.

So if you're out there and you can't ever believe to begin you can't afford this stuff don't worry. Getting great results at low cost is a factor of your insight and determination.
I think my comment about the effect that a server like the Extreme has on the sound is being misunderstood so I won’t comment further. In no way was my comment trying to minimize the Horizon.
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pretty sure the horizon has a remote just like the pac. Every Horizon has the Vol Ctl function as standard, just like Bal is standard.
Ii don't know. I was there for two days.As much as I could see everything was done by hand.
At their conveince could someone post a picture. Given my eyesight it is possible I missed it.
Thanking you in advance. I did not see it on the website I just checked

Thanking you in advance.
I think my comment about the effect that a server like the Extreme has on the sound is being misunderstood so I won’t comment further. In no way was my comment trying to minimize the Horizon.
That was understood. U were implying that without the Taiko, perhaps the Horizon would not exhibit the same level of Analog replay. My point was that most people who have had a Lampi did not have an Extreme and still loved it. The Horizon, based on the feedback takes it to another level, whatever front-end you have. Recall some people still play back silver disks on killer spinning transports, and others play back files from SD card machines.
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That was understood. U were implying that without the Taiko, perhaps the Horizon would not exhibit the same level of Analog replay. My point was that most people who have had a Lampi did not have and Extreme and loved it. The Horizon, based on the feedback takes it to another level, whatever front end you have. Recall some people still play back silver disks on killer spinning transports, and others play back files from SD card machines.

I was definitely not comparing any DAC to analog! I never do that since they are different animals (and I am not saying better or worse).

I have no doubt that the Horizon sound takes the Pacific sound to a new level even without ever having heard it.
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Just made my last airport run and I am ready to decompress and memorialize my thoughts of this past weekend

First off, to meet Lukasz and get to know him was a privilege and an honor. Ive never seen such an inquisitive mind as Lukasz. It is always going at full speed. He is a man filed with a passion and love for music and a strong desire to bring the very best sonic quality into our sound rooms. Sounds very much the same as another fabled manufacturer here who resides in Holland and manufactures IMO the very best of music servers. I have never met two such dedicated individuals in this hobby as Lukasz (and Emile).To listen to Lukasz give his presentation in front of 24 people on Saturday about the R and D on the Horizon and its 3 year journey to fruition and see the joy and satisfaction on his face told me that this is a man who won't stop until he has it perfect. Lukasz has suggested that he cannot make a DAC better than the Horizon and one may never come onto the scenes to replace the Horizon. For me it is end game in search of the perfect DAC.I have always had a burning desire to get to know those individuals behind the products that I love and cherish and I can honestly say that over the past 5 days I have gotten to know Lukasz and I feel I have gained a friend for life. His genius, and charm is simply amazing. I learned many of his life stories and many had me in stitches telling us story after story. He is a man who loves to be around people and who also loves to travel the world. He is on his way now to Santa Rosa to visit his best friend and to dine with Sean Lennon tonight and then back to Florida for the audio show. For those attending I would strongly encourage everyone to stop in, say hello and have a listen. FWIW the Horizon in Florida will be played with a different server and to Minches, if you're going to the show this would be a perfect chance to hear the Horizon with a different server

Also, a shout out must be given to Fred (LampiNA) who I also got to meet after talking to him almost weekly for years. Fred clearly is the inspiration locally for people to learn about Lampizator. Fred is a teddy bear. He is tall and handsome and about as buff as anyone I have seen lately. Fred's biceps must be twice as thick as my thigh so yes he is an amazing physical human. Fred has helped me immensely over the last several years in my decision to purchase a Pacific and has been an ongoing tutor in my choice of tubes etc in my Horizon purchase. I can't thank Fred enough as he has helped me going forward in my Lampi journey

Finally, a huge shout out to my wife who cooked diligently for three days straight to produce hors d'ouerves for everyone and served safely individually to minimize any health risks to those attending. Happy Valentine's Day honey. You're the greatest . I haven't seen you in 3 days...........
Ii don't know. I was there for two days.As much as I could see everything was done by hand.
At their conveince could someone post a picture. Given my eyesight it is possible I missed it.
Thanking you in advance. I did not see it on the website I just checked

Thanking you in advance.

Remote pictured here in the link above. On the Lampi website it says every Horizon has a Vol Ctl and Yoda told me this 3 years ago when he started the project. Everyone come with Balanced config and VC. I think the only option is the copper plate and only small config changed could be accommodated if any at all.
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12au7 is ECC82, I wonder how the more celebrated European versions would sound, ie Pope Holland, Amperex, Valvo, Tungsram, Philips Delta code, Mullard, Lorenz, Brimar, Telefunken, Seimens, and the Japanese vintage ones too,(Hitachi/Mazda. etc)...

Also, whe you say you only need the left tubes for SE, so you mean the left when facing the Dac or left when looking from behind the Dac (the true left positional of the Dac)?
"Left side from the front of the Horizon.
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Some thoughts on Rectifiers

I had a long talk with Lukasz about rectifiers . We rolled in a total of 5 different rectifiers and they all sounded different. Some were more engaging than others and some produced sound as good and natural as I have ever heard. There is no doubt that they are also system dependent. Case in. point was the Shuguang gz480 which was my go to rectifier with the Pacific but it was dull and boring with the Horizon. In fact Lukasz played an old Russian rectifier that cost $1.50 and it sounded better than the uber expensive gz480.

What I found fascinating is that a rectifier converts a sine wave to a straight line in each case but every rectifier sounds different for reasons that even Lukasz could not explain. I will shortly summarize my final decision with tube set in my Horizon
Ii don't know. I was there for two days.As much as I could see everything was done by hand.
At their conveince could someone post a picture. Given my eyesight it is possible I missed it.
Thanking you in advance. I did not see it on the website I just checked

Thanking you in advance.
From the Lampizator Poland website for the Horizon

Remote Control - CNC milled metal "slab" remote
I disagree. I do think there is an emotional factor with the Extreme BUT Ron et al also heard the Pacific with the Extreme

The Horizon is in a league of its own.
I agree Steve....Taiko is outstanding but I am comparing the Pacific and Horizon together with the Taiko. Horizon is the LA Rams and the Pacific is the Cincinnati Bengals.
Some thoughts on Rectifiers

I had a long talk with Lukasz about rectifiers . We rolled in a total of 5 different rectifiers and they all sounded different. Some were more engaging than others and some produced sound as good and natural as I have ever heard. There is no doubt that they are also system dependent. Case in. point was the Shuguang gz480 which was my go to rectifier with the Pacific but it was dull and boring with the Horizon. In fact Lukasz played an old Russian rectifier that cost $1.50 and it sounded better than the uber expensive gz480.

What I found fascinating is that a rectifier converts a sine wave to a straight line in each case but every rectifier sounds different for reasons that even Lukasz could not explain. I will shortly summarize my final decision with tube set in my Horizon
Votage drop is a big reason for the SQ difference. What is your new fav rectifier? I am betting EML 274B mesh! LoL. U will have no problem disposing of the GZ480 as its kinda hard to get at times. What was the Ruskie rectified? 5Y3?

Remote pictured here in the link above. On the Lampi website it says every Horizon has a Vol Ctl and Yoda told me this 3 years ago when he started the project. Everyone come with Balanced config and VC. I think the only option is the copper plate and only small config changed could be accommodated if any at all.
I definitely did nit see that either in use or lying around,. I did see something nondescript in Steves hand and sitting in a chair.
Oh well issue easily resolved. It was dark for a sufficient portion of the time.
My Tube Set Choice For My Horizon

I must say that there are endless choices and the trial and error could go on ad infinitum. We rolled in
1. a $1.50 Russian rectifier 5u4g
2. GZ 480
3. Philco 5u4g
4. 274B EML
5. KR 5u4g

It proved the point that's what good for the goose is not always good for the gander. It all boils down to system and room and you have to decide what work best for you

In my search I got lucky and found 3 NIB matched pairs of 6900 and a single 6900 that also matched. Lukasz loves this tube but said im crazy as the one set Have in will outlive all of us

Willgolf also brought with a magnificent tube , a 12AT7 (Brimar 6060 withYellow T on the glass)

I also learned that the unperforated MELZ is also a highly regarded tube by Lukasz and is readily available. Lukasz maintains that the best sound comes from the no holes MELZ. Those with are not as good sonically

We also tried my NIB quad matched set of TS KT170 and granted there was zero time on them what we heard was dull and boring, yet Lukasz says to be patient and re evaluate after some burn in Time

I looked forward to hearing the 274B EML as many rave about it. It to had zero hours on them and it sounded extremely good but was not the first choice of anyone attending. Again I will revisit this when more hours are on the tubes

I have yet to try the quad matched set of Genalex Gold Line Premium KT 77. I will get to them later this week

So where does that leave me at the moment. It all comes down to the proverbial post #44 in this thread where Lukasz told us his favorite.

I also needed to establish a reference and IMO what better reference could be used than that recommended by Lukasz
6900 x 2
KR KT 88 x4
KR 5u4g

I started with this tube set and ran it for days to get hours on the tubes

Again , remembering that the final decision must be based on system and room and it could be different for everyone so using Lukasz reference for me seemed to be the logical starting point

Simply put and to use the words of PeterA and ddk, "above all else it must sound natural", everyone present unanimously agreed that this tube set truly was the best in my system

I was hoping for the gz480 and/or the 274B EML would be the rectifier of choice as I switched from KR 5u4g to gz480 in my Pacific, and I heard great things about the EML 274B
The gz480 came in last place of the 5 we used in the Horizon

The 274B came 2nd but again it had zero hours of play time, so this will be revisited

However people loved the MELZ metal plate tubes and felt they were close to the 6900. MELZ is readily available but again, search for the MELZ that has no holes. Lukasz also commented about tapping the tubes on power up to remove an extraneous sound which is often present. Lukasz has found a way to obviate this problem by desoldering one of the pins on the tube

I started my Lampi path with the Pacific and the KR 5u4g but felt the gz480 was better in the pacific...........

Drum roll please.........

However when the KR 5u4g was introduced as the rectifier everyone in attendance voted it as their number one rectifier and there was no was more holographic, more musical and transparent and natural than any of the other rectifiers

Bottom line is you have to try different combinations. We never got to test the 6s7n or Norman's favorite which is based on the 6sn7

So in summary, in my system and in my room the tube set voted on by everyone present is the very one that I started with as it was Lukasz personal favorite. I can live with these forever but I do intend to try all of the other tubes mentioned above. Maybe I will be surprised but for now this tube set is the most natural and transparent sound as well as the most holographic sound stage imaging

Please understand that my choice might not be your choice. You have to compare it in your system and room

The 6900 is an amazing tube and should be tried if you can find it

Finally Emile installed the new OS in part 5 days ago and in total today. I am simply gobsmacked at the sound I am hearing. it is as if I am listening to a totally different system

I am also so pleased to hear Ron's impressions of the weekend. I was so happy he attended and taped the proceedings, yet finally yesterday had his first listen. No digititis or bleeding ears but the most natural sound Ron has heard in digital. And this is coming from a man who has never liked digital and after yesterday will be ordering his very first DAC. For me, Ron's comments were the ultimate tribute to the Horizon

I will have more updates as try all of the other tubes I mentioned above but what I have now is so shockingly perfect that I doubt I will change my mind but I agree to keep an pen mind

Stay tuned....

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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