Lampizator DAC measurements.

I have not heard as much gear as Bruce of course, but based on my limited experience with Trinnov and Dirac and tube and SS gear this is categorically impossible. Tubes have a distinct sonic signature that cannot be emulated with DSP. In fact, I have always been surprised how somehow even wiht the use of DSP, hardware retains its own character.

Yeah. I have played the Lampi, Linn TT, and Linn Streamer all through a Trinnov in the same system (with Adam Alpha Active speakers), and each hardware retained its own character. In Marty's system, his Goldmund TT and EMM Labs dac sound distinctly different through the TacT
Yes ,some like distortion, there is nothing wrong in that , as long as you realise the reasons why .

Reasons are more detail, more speed, more slam, and more realism to instruments (but you wouldn't know that since though you live near Central London you can't be bothered to go to a concert - what if the hall did not measure properly)

I dont get it...we all know that Japanese hifi are measument kings, so why are they not kings of the high end?
Blizzard, why don't you cut paste all of Purite's old threads instead of having to retype them. Might save everyone some time as we can all keep linking to previous posts. They were also shouting measurements with no accompaniment of gear experience or music experience. In fact he has decided to be a dealer for Kii audio based on their measurements, without listening to them.
That's correct... just ask anyone that has tried a plugin emulation of Manley Massive Passive or Vari-mu (or any other tubed unit)

The problem with those emulators is they are based on what is thought to be known about what tubes do to the signal. This is very different to what I'm talking about. This technology measures the actual analog outs of any gear to create an emulation profile based of the data obtained. Then it will emulate the sonic signature through the DAC used. But in order for it to be successful, extremely accurate ADC's and DAC's are essential. The experiment your gonna try will prove if the Horus is transparent enough for this application.

What are you using for Ethernet cables into the Horus? I hear this has a big impact on the sound with Ravenna.
The problem with those emulators is they are based on what is known about what tubes do to the signal. This is very different to what I'm talking about. This technology measures the actual analog outs of any gear to create an emulation profile based of the data obtained. Then it will emulate the sonic signature through the DAC used. But in order for it to be successful, extremely accurate ADC's and DAC's are essential. The experiment your gonna try will prove if the Horus is transparent enough for this application.

What are you using for Ethernet cables into the Horus? I hear this has a big impact on the sound with Ravenna.

Most of the emulations are based what is seen at the outputs... not guess what the tube does to the signal.

The Ethernet cable I'm using is the CAT7 cable provided by Merging. I tried an Audioquest Diamond cable for about a month. Didn't hear or measure a bit of difference. I've been trying to sell it.
personally I find it is similar to viewing everything through rose coloured spectacles.

Where can I buy these spectacles, and for how much???

I was cynical about the whole Lampi thing (who wants tubes in a DAC, for gawd's sake?) but then I heard some (including a Big 7) in comparison with other well-regarded DACs and I had to eat my words. I don't know if it's distortion, I'll cheerfully accept that it is, but everything seemed more open and more real to my ears. I'd love to see some measurements, because it might help to place all of this in context for me.
I hear live music every day Ked, that big black thing, is a piano, and we have a cellist in the family now too.
Art is created in concert halls , I amjust trying to reproduce that creation as accurately as possible.
Valve amps for example with their high output impedance can change the frequency response of a loudspeaker, boosting certain frequencies and attenuating others.
The added distortion can be extremely pleasant ,and there is nothing wrong with enjoying it, personally I find it is similar to viewing everything through rose coloured spectacles.

SS amps do the exact same thing on certain speakers. and they also usually add the picket fence of odd order harmonics to boot

there isn't a right or wrong - its all just a preference as our ears hear distortion characteristics differently. see Nelson Pass' white paper on feedback.
Funny you should post that, Keith, I was just reading the Lector review recently (since it made Class A on the recommended components list, to my surprise) and I wondered if it was the worst. Apparently not.
No,solid state amps unless they have been engineered to have a relatively high output impedence ,such as Dartzeel, usually have an extremely low impedence, which won't affect the Fr at all.

i don't believe this is the case on high sensitive speakers with >8 ohm impedance.
Most of the emulations are based what is seen at the outputs... not guess what the tube does to the signal.

The Ethernet cable I'm using is the CAT7 cable provided by Merging. I tried an Audioquest Diamond cable for about a month. Didn't hear or measure a bit of difference. I've been trying to sell it.

We will see. This software is in development. But it is much different than how anything else out there works. But as mentioned before, very expensive and accurate measurement gear is required to accurately capture the sound profile from the equipment measured.

I've heard a few people say they heard a difference with different cables/routers with Ravenna. I'm going to do a pile of tests when I get my Ravenna boards. I'll let you know what I find.
Blizzard, why don't you cut paste all of Purite's old threads instead of having to retype them. Might save everyone some time as we can all keep linking to previous posts. They were also shouting measurements with no accompaniment of gear experience or music experience. In fact he has decided to be a dealer for Kii audio based on their measurements, without listening to them.

I have absolutely no problem with tubes. I like how they sound too. Which is why I'm interested in this emulation. But I do like the reliability and compactness of SS gear. I'm working on an active system where tubes will be impractical.
I have absolutely no problem with tubes. I like how they sound too. Which is why I'm interested in this emulation. But I do like the reliability and compactness of SS gear. I'm working on an active system where tubes will be impractical.

If you want compact gear, get an ipod
If you want compact gear, get an ipod

I'd rather have a compact system that combines the best attributes of both top level SS and tube sound into 1.
I have absolutely no problem with tubes. I like how they sound too. Which is why I'm interested in this emulation. But I do like the reliability and compactness of SS gear. I'm working on an active system where tubes will be impractical.

I don't necessarily like how tubes sound. I don't like AR, for example. Jadis is ok. I think you need to widen your perspective a little from generalization which is now amounting to spam. Next you will say you like how box speakers sound, based on hearing, say, Wilson Alexandria, and then will go out and buy a small Bose.
I don't necessarily like how tubes sound. I don't like AR, for example. Jadis is ok. I think you need to widen your perspective a little from generalization which is now amounting to spam. Next you will say you like how box speakers sound, based on hearing, say, Wilson Alexandria, and then will go out and buy a small Bose.

If you read what I have been saying, this software will emulate the sound of whatever it measures. So pick your favourite gear, run a measurement sweep on the analog outs and it will emulate the sound profile. Doesn't need to be tube gear, can be anything. Even an 8 track player from the 70's.
3a5 are not tubes used in Lampi..those are flea power DHTs and in any case Allnic said they implemented them wrongly as they followed the spec sheet from the 1940s and thoe tubes spec sheets were wrong. They have recalled all these Dacs to be updated to more appropriate operating parameters.
Valve amps prefer to see a flat impedence plot,

I thought valve amps can more easily deal with falling impedance with increasing frequency. This is why 50wpc tube amps did better than even Krell with Infinity IRS Beta and IV speakers which incidentally have powered woofers. Am I missing something here?

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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